its a bit more of that actually XD. Even without changing any strokes, the same sequence of Kanji can have different meanings depending on the sentence. Names and such is not the main issue with a running series because I could just go to the Wikia or watever, but if the conversation is about something i'm not totally familiar, its so easy to get lost even with deepl.... thats why I don't think its worth the risk because chances of betting shittier....To be fair, he could be thinking things like getting characters names wrong and incorrectly translating things into something else. Kanji is a nightmare to work on because one seemingly insignificant stroke can completely change the meaning. You do occasionally see these kind of mistakes now and then even with the best translation groups. And oh boy do some of those that read the original LN get irritated at translators "changing things" from what happened in the original.
Of course I've never translated anything before so he could be thinking something completely different.
and my ProofReader is helping because it is Zero Believers, don't think he would help with other series and my english is not that great to release a chapter without proofreader, now that I saw how good it becomes with him XD