so bitter :xNo your highness, you forget that you can't defeat monsters and demons with art, so Makoto is obviously the wrong person to ask.
No, I don't plan on letting this, as well as the beginning of the story, go.
Quick, save our new harem member!
But optional quests have the best loot! Or they annoy the DM because they didn't expect you to take them! Either way, it's a win!mc, you did what you could, no need to take that optional quest.
Someone here knows how to collect the best stuff in an RPG =xBut optional quests have the best loot! Or they annoy the DM because they didn't expect you to take them! Either way, it's a win!
wellSo, basically, Prince Leo is when you draw a girl without breasts and call it a boy.
Yes.So, basically, Prince Leo is when you draw a girl without breasts and call it a boy.
What kind of crap DM expects players to not take a quest?Or they annoy the DM because they didn't expect you to take them!
That's how all ambiguously gendered characters are drawn in manga. Which is why 90% of all gender reveal plot twists come off as cheap.So, basically, Prince Leo is when you draw a girl without breasts and call it a boy.
No, I don't plan on letting this, as well as the beginning of the story, go.
so bitter :x
You can justify your mistakes -- why you made them. Doesn't excuse your own failings -- and resulting clusterfsck.
Saying "sorry" won't bring a failed business investment back. And Princess is showing exactly why she should be hated.
"Art can't kill monsters." <- said directly to guy who killed a dragon.
The hints were mostly structural analysis of the country but if you are ok with Spoilers, sure why not.
I know right? I am enjoying this irony of the princess being useless in this situation and asking someone she called useless to solve it.No your highness, you forget that you can't defeat monsters and demons with art, so Makoto is obviously the wrong person to ask.
No, I don't plan on letting this, as well as the beginning of the story, go.