Oh, I get the context now, I read through walls of reddit text on the subject. Yeah, this is bound to tick some people off, if I get some details wrong go ahead and correct me in posts below, this is some unbelievably weird shet.
Apparently these Funimation voice actors who made these homophobic and disgusting sex jokes were the ones who kept harassing Vic Mignona and getting him banned from conventions and finally got him fired for his terrible sexual creepy conduct over a jelly bean (? Wut? Not so clear on that part. ). So Vic Mignona then files a lawsuit against these Funimation guys.
Then recently, Chuck Huber filed a Legal document in court accusing Christopher Sabat, the Voice actor of Vegata, for requesting Sexual favors to give voice acting jobs to people. You don't file Legal documents if there isn't a lot of proof for this so it's likely Christopher Sabat is every bit as sexually creepy as Vic Mignona.
This leaked Voice clip came out at the worst time, it is like finding out one of the leaders of #Me Too molested a teenage boy (that actually happened in real life so yay...? ) and then joke voice skits were found where she was saying "she liked licking the boys" and found them "attractively sexy". Like, the guys put themselves on a moral pedestal and ruined someone's life over misconduct, but it turns out they themselves were guilty of similar misconduct.
Wooooooowwww, I got nothing, such Drama. There was even something in there about Animenewsnetwork spam reporting against Vic Mignona and falsifying evidence, while refusing to report on the leaked funimation audio despite everyone else reporting it so definitely a MAX DRAMA thing.
Mirror for Funimation leaked voice audio in question in case the other one gets taken down.