Hmm. Not 100% sure what to make of this.
The "art" style kinda ruins its potential. I mean the drawings look like amateur work, which kinda ruins the whole feel of things. Even the sexy scenes, which might be great otherwise, are marred by being awkwardly drawn.
I've noticed a lot of people trying to compare it to konosuba but... no. Konosuba is hilarious. This series tries to be funny and fails. It isn't anywhere near as clever in the comedy department, simply relying on trash-tier Japanese clichés and manzai.
About the only thing it has going for it is a few characters with nice body designs (but again, badly drawn)... somewhat counteracted by another few loli-trash characters.
I rate it 4/10. It would get higher if it was better drawn. It would also get higher if it was actually as funny as it tried to be.