I remember that, but Kikuru treated it so nonchalantly that I thought a stomach wound healing in seconds was normal white mage stuff rather than Maidena's talent. Brawn Golem guy was more like... 'Woah!' because she brought him from the brink of death to full HP in a matter of seconds.against nightmare he comments about how the hole in his stomach was healed instantly and says it's because of her talent
Kanzenbou is probably a special case, since it's a monster with Kanzebou's consciousness. But people ascending to godhood in this universe seems possible, considering that lolicon god that married Enome exists.Thanks for the chapter.
When I saw the chapter title, expected some silly pervy stuff of someone eating an illusion magic. Did not expect Kanzebo to make an appearance as a Named.
In a number of ways, Kanzebo being accepted as a legal Named means there could have been a past precedent as a person turning into a monster or something more, which is very very interesting, especially related to how “gods” are in this series.
Once again, the author knows how to weave good plot development on top of the other “plots” for the eyes.
Also, Coin, most of the readers are with you (at least I am).
Thanks for this Kredim, I was going to say - comparing your TL to the official scans that I vastly prefer yours as you seem to be more close to the original wording/how the author wanted to characters to come across when they speak and your jokes flow better.not the first time they've caught up
i find their version lacking in ways and not consistent enough to leave it to them and im doing volume raws so i dont see a reason to step down
I've been waiting for this, I really like the design of Kanzeon (a pun combining Kanzebou's name with the old pronouncation for the Japanese name of the boddhisattva Avalokiteśvara)
Random fact: The Japanese camera and printer company Canon is named after the same person.
The name is probably what you're thinking of.Thanks for the chapter, Kredim.
Looking at your name, I can't help but wonder if it's inspired by a certain mecha.
I'm really hoping Hades doesn't somehow get Worfed by that androgynous newcomer.
The name is probably what you're thinking of.