Fuzoroi no Renri - Vol. 2 Ch. 49

Double-page supporter
Oct 8, 2019
@fullerhorn Not wanting to provide a completely free service to a community where someone would accuse you of being a debbie downer poopiehead for being honest about your political affiliations is a perfectly adult choice. Yurimitsu aren't obligated to provide you with their scanlations in any way, and it's not childish of them to not want to share the results of their work with someone who would call their beliefs "garbage"; to expect anything else is to show a colossal lack of self-awareness and basic social skills.

I mean, what you just said here was literally "Your opinions are garbage, but you're still childish and irresponsible for not providing me with this free stuff you worked hard on". Everything else is just playing verbal dress-up.

@Kekitus I didn't call you a Nazi. Hell, I didn't even really call you a racist bully, I only said you increasingly come off like one the more paragraphs you spend on justifying on how yes, you want to keep this site clean of politics, but only those particular politics, those other politics that are constantly on display from multiple other groups are none of your business and you're not really a moderator and shouldn't be doing these things anyway. I mean, you sure did articulate your thoughts, they were just more and more obviously thoughts of a racist bully the more of them you posted, which is what I called you out on.

What I'm saying is, consider articulating a bit less next time.
Feb 20, 2019
Thanks for picking this up Windyfall ❤️

What the hell is happening in this chat 👀 imma walk away slowly⁰
Jan 24, 2018
@Ashabel i called their 'beliefs' garbage, along with those of rapeman and whoever else you wish to lump in as being the opposite of yukimitsu, because it isn't sincere, it's performative center-left bullass instead of actual activism, and i call them childish because in response to having their credit page removed just like what happened with rapeman (who also ragequit like a child over being told to stop putting his garbage in his credit pages), they decided to make a passive-aggressive single page 'chapter' that had no content from the actual source manga, and then they quit when that was also deleted for not being a damn manga chapter. that is childish, i don't give a hot damn if you can recite das kapital from memory in the original german or worship goering's stained-ass underwear.
Group Leader
Dec 20, 2018
@fullerhorn @Ashabel
I’m sorry to cause trouble for both of you, but I suggest you take this to DMs or elsewhere. This has gone on way too long and is now completely derailed from what this chat is supposed to be about: chapter 49 of Fusoroi no Renri.
Whether you believe our choice to remove the chapters is childish or justified is fine, but there’s just no reason to continue this. Please just try to enjoy this series under WindyFall.

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