This is the second manga after Hagure Idol, where I see the implied idea that women become bisexual sex-addicts due to long sexual abstinence. Is this some kind of common belief in Japan? In any case, it is amusingly combined with all these asexual male protagonists of harems and other generic romantic comedies. Amusingly , because Japanese culture associates libido precisely with male gender.
@YamiryuuZero The most ironic thing about all this crap is that women are usually much more passionate about criticizing any problematic content than men. Male authors usually use a bunch of loopholes even to add the most harmless lewd fetish, while female artist elevated the Bastard Boyfriend trope to one of the most overused cliches of the mainstream female-focused manga.
@Serenata Were you ready to drop it just because it wasn't yuri? Well, this is not yuri, but in the third volume there will be a lot of "totally no homo" experiments, yes.