I feel so bad for Beefeater, what an awful fucking name for a pretty swell woman. Thought perhaps that was just her last name, which is unfortunate but japanese authors playing at languages they don't fully understand. But Beefeater E Caty? Harsh.
@Bazerand Beefeaters(tower of london guards) were known for their meat rich diet as a way to fast bulk up their muscles, but were also known for their very short tempers. Their diets were 90-95% meat, they were trained from a young age(starting at 6-7yrs old). The average height for a man in Britain at the time was 5'3"(161cm) to 5'8"(174cm), beefeaters on average were 6'2"(190cm) to 6'7"(202cm).
Caty(aka feline cats), known for their slyness, being snide/direct in what they're doing or saying. Caty e Beefeater = roid girl with a snide/mocking disposition that ignores protocol and rank.