Genjitsushugi Yuusha no Oukoku Saikenki - Vol. 3 Ch. 15 - The Story of a Certain Adventurer

Sep 24, 2018
@Dj0rel Honestly I don't really care about getting involved in this little spat. I just wanted to point out that there is a legitimate breed of cattle that look like that and it's not due to steroids or 'genetic modification'. It is called the Belgian Blue and has been around for quite a while. It just has a hereditary condition where the cells of it's muscular fiber undergo gross enlargement. Then again I am not saying there aren't cows which are fed steroids and such, I just wanted to shed some light on your image not necessarily being what you might think it is
Dex-chan lover
Apr 6, 2018
For a realist king, Souma is pretty adamant about protecting these villagers' lives as much as possible.
I mean, I'm sure there's a pragmatic reason to it as well, but the reason presented to us this chapter was more of an ideal-based one.

I'm just saying I appreciate this being a "realist's" reform instead of an "it's acceptable losses" cynic.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 2, 2018
@Andiza "They get money from cotton", Thats the sort of dumbass assumption everyone in the story made, so maybe thats why you find it so brilliant that the MC says "you eat food to stop starving".
"A little less cruel" its a stupid and tyranic way of getting things done, AbuHajar already exposed why that is, so read his post.

When the price of food starts rivaling the price of the luxury, you usually start growing food! you keep jumping through hoops to excuse this story, people do not stop growing food just because they can buy it later on, even places like Japan that has very little arable land grows food.

*Piture of a Hormoned treated cow*
#1 dont assume everyone is as ignorant as you are about where their meals come from, I know exactly what farm and what type of animals I consume, so that issue is on you.

#2 the quality of the food consumed today is leagues and bounds greater than the ones eaten back in medieval times, a meal back then would consist of some vegetable stock soup, while now we have access to a whole pletora of diets from around the world, so you bringing up your own ignorance does very little aside from showing why you find this story to be "HIghly Intelligent".
Oct 9, 2018
@boag "They get money from cotton", Thats the sort of dumbass assumption everyone in the story made, so maybe thats why you find it so brilliant that the MC says "you eat food to stop starving".
the problem is you are calling people with different set of common sense than souma who has common sense like us as "dumbasses" not how souma do his thing

"A little less cruel" its a stupid and tyranic way of getting things done, AbuHajar already exposed why that is, so read his post.
in the light novel because of his stupid and cruel "bait" to buy the time for him finish the war with the dukes
he can win the war, kill the amidonian king, occupy amidonia capital city Van and annex all of the principality of amidonia
because he do that its now more weighing on his mind
than just burning the village and evacuate the village
and in the manga version they upgrade his living poltergeist skill too, since he now can make the fire on the doll he control to not burn other parts of the doll

@Psychronia in the light novel its quite different tho
Dex-chan lover
Feb 2, 2018
"Common sense like us"
No, he doesnt have common sense LIKE US, cause I sure as hell wouldnt fucking us what is the equivalent of telecoms to fucking put up Idol songs for the dumb populace.

The entire story is contrived, they have the specific magic tools so that the author can shoehorn his retarded fetish, but its never used for things like FUCKING LONG DISTANCE COMMUNICATION.

People defend the fact that the Duke was not informed about this whole King bussiness, when in the earliest chapters The god damn king used this magical device to inform the entire populace.

So its not just the food, its several constant issues, that writer uses for dumb purposes, this is an Isekai so expecting it to be stupid is a given, but when the author puts on his monocle and hat, and calls his story "REALIST HERO", then I fucking expect REALIST Solutions, not this drivel.
Oct 9, 2018
@boag yep you are either a troll or just nitpicking this manga by making stupid assumption and just being impatient, and i mean what souma uses to give the last warning the dukes in chapter 14 again?
he uses it too in the future when his kingdom and the empire became friend
and why only use it as telephone if that thing can be used as more valuable stuff like entertainment and giving news program

People defend the fact that the Duke was not informed about this whole King bussiness, when in the earliest chapters The god damn king used this magical device to inform the entire populace.
the thing about dukes is duchess excel already sent juna as spy and duke castor and his daughter is trapped by their emotion so they can't think straight and duke carmine one is waay spoilery just read the light novel or just be patient and wait the manga give its version of what happen with him

you think isekai genre is stupid but keep nitpicking in one manga with isekai genre.. wow
Jun 21, 2018
@boag The telecommunications thingy is one sided unless you set up multiple ones, hence it's not as effective for communicating with specific individuals, plus they're rare (the transmitter, that is, not the receivers). Context would show you this since the past king was using the devices for major announcement rather than distributing it for logistics (Poncho could have carried one while flying but did not, they were told by letter about the landslide in the god forest, etc..) and that the only ones that appear to have one are the king + 3 major powers.

For obvious reasons, the dukes would've been aware of the circumstances on how Souma came to the throne and had various means to check on the authencity (hence why Excel had him spied on). The other dukes simply chose different conclusions. The sky duke also is not against Souma but rather is simply loyal to the lion duke because politics.

Using it for long distance comms isn't the best idea at the time since the mc had a: ruined kingdom to fix, assumed that the dukes were loyal and it required everyone needed to be present at the time.
Using a minor person to relay info isn't the best idea as well since the issue of possible incorrect information being delivered (which would be disastrous for a non-portable real time transfer of information)

Also while the idol shows aren't the best idea per se, uplifting the masses in times of turmoil (and distracting them) is never a bad idea. Particularly if you're mass evicting the nobles, which would have alarmed the common folk if suddenly their lord goes missing.

PS. The line "common sense like us" sounds stupid to me. The strength of this series is that the characters have their own set of philosophies and there isn't a perfect answer, which shows from how the major political players move. So saying that "I with my common sense would do x" is the stupidest idea since even in the real world, implementation of simple things don't necessarily agree with how the majority think.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 2, 2018
I cant refute your argument so youre a troll
And this is the point where I tell you to fuck off.

Even if its just 1 transmitter to a bunch of receptors, which intself is an asspull for the writer.
The fact that the Beast Duke still chooses to go on this retarded civil war, when he actually knows the impending threat of war with another nation, just for the sake of "catching the corrupt", is asinine, there are several Isekais that have done the purge of corrupt politicians and out of the top of my head Isekai Tensei Soudouji did it in a pretty clever way.

Also the ruined Kingdom was ruined because of terrible desicions, and it never shows to be a complete shithole.
We dont have food, but theres TV for everyone, its contrived and it just shows the author is doing it to jerk himself off to how "SMART" he is.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 21, 2018
I have no clue why people are pissing on the manga... I really like it. Sure the novel is more likeable.
Jun 21, 2018
@boag multiple receivers for 1 receptor is pretty much how the world works. Pretty much how one station can reach all the tvs in the world. I'm not completely sure but I think the receptors are made from mundane objects, since they're available to any town whereas the receptors are taken from dungeons.

If you know the fact that the duke was doing it to catch the corrupt nobles, then I'm pretty sure you've been spoiled, so I'm just going to answer with this one:
The duke is colluding with the former king and knows what the flow of events would be. Historically, Souma would easily succeed vs Amidonia but would be killed by the nobles, so the Amidonia invasion is of no consequence to him. Him taking the lead in the strife allows him to cripple the only factor that would ruin Souma since he basically capitulates without even fighting, and takes the nobles down with him.

As for the ruined kingdom, why would you immediately assume that it's all chaos. The fall is caused by an influx of refugees (which came during the previous king's reign by the way, not 2 generations or some shit)and poor decisions, not because of war. Things like that don't devolve into instant anarchy. It's even reflected in real societies. Did Italy implode after the fall of the Roman Empire? Did Easter island suddenly devolve into genocide after they cut off all the trees? The common people are normally indirectly affected by the collapse of society, and it is a slow process, unless if it directly eliminated by war.

There is a threat of food shortage simply because more people=more mouths to feed. Them growing cash crops does not equate to not growing food, which would be stupid, any society has to feed itself. The sudden influx just disrupted order since a normal year's harvest would assume that the food grown is proportional to a slowly fluctuating amount of citizens. Souma quickly made plans to counteract that and converted the lands used for growing cash crops into land used to grow food, which just converted a what is originally surplus land for what should've been for non-food related products into food.

Also. No. Sodouki isn't really a good example of a believable narrative simply because the assumption that a person has such an extremely varied knowledge that is just enough to implement all of them, while being in a position of low political power is a more believable story than someone with an economics background doing economics related activities and delegating anything he doesn't know to those who do is quite ludicrous.
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 10, 2018
"When the price of food starts rivaling the price of the luxury, you usually start growing food!"
Except the fact that the price of food never actually rivaled the price of the luxury.

"people do not stop growing food just because they can buy it later on"
Tell that to all of those people who don't grow food because they can buy it.

"#1 dont assume everyone is as ignorant as you are about where their meals come from, I know exactly what farm and what type of animals I consume, so that issue is on you.

#2 the quality of the food consumed today is leagues and bounds greater than the ones eaten back in medieval times, a meal back then would consist of some vegetable stock soup, while now we have access to a whole pletora of diets from around the world, so you bringing up your own ignorance does very little aside from showing why you find this story to be "HIghly Intelligent"."

Thank you for discrediting yourself from any sort of intelligent argument by completely missing the point of my post. The point was to demonstrate to what lengths does today's society go in order to ensure smaller number of farmers can produce more food. Because in real life, people very much prefer jobs that pay more then what producing food pays. Just like in this story.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 2, 2018
You already demonstrated your own ignorance several times over, so its no wonder this story blows your mind.
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 10, 2018
Your arguments most definitely don't blow my mind. Because they are not worth jack s**t.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 2, 2018
oh please stop already, theres nothing I say that will stop you from praising this garbage as anything less than masterpiece, so just move along.
Jun 21, 2018
@boag In terms of realism? What? Realism is Soudouki's lowest point. The author makes you think that the mc is hypercompetent when in reality, most of his innovations are harder to implement or outright impossible
from the top of my head
The lightning rod on the ship: Impossible. Aside from the fact that they managed to build a lightning rod (it requires it to be connected to the sea from the top to the mast to be functional. The only way to do that is bore a metal rod or make a number of wire coils, which even if he knows to make, takes more technological capacity because iron is not so ductile whereas copper is too soft , that you cannot simply magically wave into existence not because the logistics and the work needed to do it along with the number of ships, but simply because it requires you to bore through the keel which would break it unless you have the proper tools (I doubt they have screws already).

The water pump. Impossible. Aside from the fact that the mc somehow knows the complete design of a water pump (he basically recreated it) which is completely useless knowledge for almost anyone in first world country, it requires a pipe that leads to the water level since it works under suction pressure and that's even harder to make than the pump itself because of the materials.

Goldplating. This one is absolutely stupid. You'll need to dissolve gold first before you can use it for gold plating. Common materials you'll need for dissolving gold are Nitric acid and Hydrochloric acid concentrates. They're hard to extract and not touch friendly. Not to mention that he just dips it and voila. That's not how gold plating works.
Then there's the fact that nobody bats an eye when he just pulls new inventions out of his ass (a common isekai flaw)

Assassins that like to kill in broad daylight in front of everybody is a historical minority(it was mainly done for the psychological damage it could do, because nothing sends a message better than we can kill your king in broad daylight,while the preferred killing method of most noblemen and merchants in history are poison and war).

That mc wasn't put in an asylum for demonic possession. The fact that he has two other personalities (how they narrowed this down is another matter), and that it wasn't even mentioned again ever is also questionable.

Farming doesn't work that way, nor did beets. He literally made a farm in a forest. Forest soil is nutrient poor, something which takes time to remedy, hence why "you cleared it, you own it" was a thing during the past and why land reclamation didn't go full speed until after nitrogen fertilizers were mass produced.

I mean you can make an essay out of all the unrealistic things in Soudouki. If you're gonna claim it to be better than this series, at least choose something correct, like being more hyper-competent or something. Claiming realism only makes you look ignorant and gives your opinions less weight.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 2, 2018
Re read what I posted, I never claimed soudouki was more "realist" than this garbage.
I said that "its better" and, it handled the catching the corrupt politicians scheme better as well.
Youre talking out your ass now.
Jun 21, 2018
@boag You were complaining about the series from a realistic perspective then compared it with Soudouki. "Common sense" implies that you're comparing the series using the same metrics, because duh, that's how logic works.

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