@boag Did you even look at what you posted? The author of the video said that the reach is 50 meters. There's a big difference between 50 meters and being accessible to the whole country. Making something accessible to the whole country requires a lot more money.
Government owning the wavelengths(which by the way, they do not, it's called regulating) is country dependent, and even if it was universal, the money barrier is still a big thing.
And ultimately, it still does not refute the original statement :
There are more TVs than TV stations. (Even if you replace that with television transmitters vs receivers, it still holds true by the way)
This too
We can just as easily make a transmitter as we can make a receiver.
Yeah, don't even start there, unless somehow, you actually have the knowhow to make a TV? There's a huge difference between making something and setting up something.
He did use 2 way communication with the 3 dukes. Did you even read the chapter? I already answered why doing a 2 way transmission all the time is not feasible.
I never said the series was "SMART". See, I'm actually using logic, unlike you, and logic dictates that you don't counter argument using appeal to emotion. You provide statements, I refute them. Simple as that. Something that either you can't do or deliberately don't do. Certainly isn't doing you any favour, by the way.
Also go into a tangent? What? I'm not the one who suddenly inserts new points into this thing, if you look at it:
You: statement
Me: Counter
You: Ignore everything, say Soudouki is better. (1)
Me: Uh, you used realism as a standard. Soudouki is far from realistic
You: You don't know how to read (2)
Me: That's not how arguments work
You: Placed the metrics that should have been put earlier
Me: Those are subjective, one is false analogy. Also I like the fact that you're not countering any of my counterpoint
You: Ignores everything only to cherry pick an argument that you think you can go to and goes into a tangent why there are less TV stations than TVs (3)
Me: Your reasoning is not the whole picture. Also your post is irrelevant.
You: repeat the same statement (why) and claim that I'm going on a tangent
Me: this post
And so, going off tangent here, this is what going off tangent means:
To repeat what I said earlier: I'm refuting your statements using proper counter arguments. Meaning I don't insert new metrics, but simply, show that yours is flawed. Proper arguments leave no room to go off tangent. I mentioned it earlier to show that who you're arguing with actually has some proper debate knowledge and etiquette(and to point out your points that aren't even proper arguments). Now you adding whatever connotations is what is going off tangent. There's a difference between going off tangent and being wordy, though admittedly, I might have been liberal with the number of times I called out your ad hominem statements, which, you are doing again.