I see I should've reread the earlier chapters. I had forgotten this bit of her backstory.
Yeah, without remembering that part her logic doesn't make sense lol
An interesting perspective, and the opposite of what I've come to view as the "typical" view on relationships as we get older. As failures accumulate, it becomes easier to deal with the ups and downs of a relationship:
In our youth, love and passion burns red hot. A relationship is a fiery inferno that scorches every aspect of our life. When it ends, we're left cold and barren from everything being burnt to nothing. The loneliness that comes after feels almost like it's the end of the world.
As we age and our passion mellows, a relationship is more a steady flame. It warms us but doesn't burn everything because we've learned to mind the flame. Once it's extinguished, the loneliness is cold, but still bearable because we've experienced it before and know how to adjust to it.
That's a fair point, I should have said that
some people react like I said in my post, because what you said is also true, like how for some it's the opposite, and they'll get together with almost anyone just to not be alone.
I guess I expressed myself poorly due to having Segawa situation in mind, from what I remember she never actually got into a relationship, just had interest in girls that were straight, so it's not a question of passion, but rather that she wants to have a relationship but never was able to, so it's less about accumulated failures and more by accumulated disappointments and broken hopes, there was never any fire to begin with because she was never able to experience love.
Mind you I might be remembering wrong, but I'm pretty sure it was never said anything about her having any past relationship, which makes sense, many lgbt people are never able to have relationship when young for obvious reasons, I'm pretty sure that a few friends aside Segawa is in the closet, so I guess my previous post was more about that than people in general, since with being gay it's not same issues as if she was straight.