Genshin Impact

Dex-chan lover
Dec 15, 2019
all i do now is collect flowers... omg i have so many silk flowers and cecillia...
Active member
Dec 15, 2019
I am deeply disappointed that no one has made audio edits of Megumin’s voice lines so she says “Waga na wa Hu Tao, Nana wa sudeni shinde imasu!”
Dex-chan lover
Jan 17, 2018
Well yeah, she is dead, but Hu Tao wants something different:


character story 5
Active member
Dec 15, 2019
Qiqi is an undead loli. If Walnut really wanted to soften her up she would just give her donuts from Mister Donut.
Active member
Dec 15, 2019
1 week and 1 day left until Geo buffs, freemogems, C2 Ningguang (for me), and the lantern event. Oh and Xiao, I guess.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 3, 2020
I just learned You more or less go on a date with a character called zongli from reading the tvtropes page. I am already in love. Someone please tell me when I get to this? And that I don’t have to go through Mondstadt‘s story before I can get to Liyue and actually meet this husbando?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 17, 2018
Act I: Sal Flore
(Requires AR 40, 1 Story Key, and Archon Quests Chapter I, Act III)
Active member
Dec 15, 2019
I think I’ve figured out why everyone loves Xiao so much!

Xiao has angry short man disease. Kind of like our favorite Monkey seeking Beyblade.

Xiao is voiced by Kirito’s VA, as Vlad the Impaler once said, “Bitches love Chekhov’s Gun!”

In conclusion, Xiao worst boy.
Active member
Dec 15, 2019
This a PSA for all fellow Travelers:

Never use Bennett's final stella fortuna if you manage to get it.
C0 is crap.
C1-C5 is Archon tier.
C6 downgrades Fantastic Voyage, thus ruining the only reason to use him.

Learn from my mistakes.
Double-page supporter
Dec 18, 2019
This game is really depressing. Has like only 4 onee-sans currently.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 26, 2018

That´s only situational true and is a narrow-minded mindset, just because he becomes less flexible doesn't mean its a nerf... it's more of a sidegrade.
( which I do admit is kind of disappointing for a C6, but what can you do )
Yes, it does limit your team comp options and can screw people over in co-op( but that's honestly all on you for being an asshole )
but it does buff your damage output if you build around it and has its uses.

A team with Bennet and another pyro main DPS, for example, Diluc or Xian Ling as main DPS can benefits greatly from it. ( or even Amber/Klee if you want to be really frisky )

Granted, by the time you have C6 Bennet a Xian Ling as main DPS might not always be your best choice depending on your wishes RNG, and not everybody has Diluc.
but its a perfectly viable for a 2nd abyss team if you have a good weapon and some her consolations.

( spoilers for the HUGE WALL OF TEXT as I try to go somewhat in-depth behind my thought prosses for two builds you could try out )
The first build option that one I like to call "Opposites Attract " with Bennet, Xian ling, Sucrose and Chong Yun. ( or Xingqiu )

You could swap in Xingqiu instead of Chong Yun if you don´t want to bother with the Cryo/ Pyro overlapping transformations, or if you just want some more healing...
But it does come at the cost of some damage output as Melt is better then evaporate for damage in this instance.
Xingqiu also lets you freeze things if cryo exists in the environment already, but its a very niece use at best as you need both outside cryo and enough opponents to not just focus them down.
But considering you already lower your damage output for survivability by running Xingqiu over Chong Yun, it might not be the worst option ever.

Now, why would you want to make this team?
First of all, one of the biggest benefits of this team is that its a super cheap team to build.
You can have level 0 artefacts on Sucrose as her main job is to reduce resistance with the viridescent set ( but more elemental mastery buffs your DPS output )
You can trade her out for any Anemo character, but sucrose is the best one because of the extra element mastery ( there is an argument to be made for Venti...but he is a 5 star so... yeah.. )
You can also run a +0 Noblesse set on either Bennet or Chong Yun ( or both for extra CD domains, but Bennet should have 2nd priority on good artefacts because of the bonus damage from his ultimate )
This means that you only really need a good/decent set of artefacts for Xian ling which helps people on a low budget.
Once you have a C6 the budget should not be a huge problem, but every mora saved is more you can use on the more important things, like nudes of Venti. 👺

It also does amazing damage outputs on opponents who take damage from Cryo or Pyro, and it's also very easy to play. ( plus Chong Yun can break rock shields thanks to being a claymore user )
It has some healing for the harder levels and is perfect for some floors like 9 and 10 where you fight a ton of cryo enemies.

The second build I like you to consider is one I haven't decided on what I really want to call it.
a few options are "Meteor strike" or "Xinyan´s Fanclub" ( its a work in progress OK ? feel free to tell me if you come up with a better one )
Its basic idea is to run Xiang Ling/ Diluc together with Bennette and 2 Geo characters of your choice. ( Geo resonance is much better then pyro for damage output late game )
It won't be as budget-friendly because of this, but it still is somewhat cheap if you want it to be.
Not to mention that alot of Geo characters benefit alot from the defence stat, a stat almost nobody else wants so they can use artefacts that other characters would consider trash.
If you want a Budget build, you can take Xian Ling, Bennette, Geo traveller and Noelle.
You can swap in other Geo characters like Zhongli or Albedo if you have them, it's pretty flexible at the end of the day.

it's optional and it's ok to get with a more standard pyro set like Crimson Witch of Flames and/or Gladiator.
But If you have it already or can for it, you can run Retracing Bolide on Xiang Ling/ Diluc who is your main DPS.
Slap on a +0 Petra set on one or both of the Geo characters that can easily make rock shields ( so basically anybody but Noelle... she CAN keep 100 % uptime on shields on her own, but its a pain IMO )
The other one can also run a full +0 Petra, or you can run a full Noblesse ( or 2 from both for more burst damage if you have somebody like Zhongli or Albedo )
Geo Traveler can do both, but I prefer to have him as a pure damage buffer, so I prefer to run a full Noblesse set on him and leave the shields to my other Geo character( Zhongli is 1 of my 2 5-stars ).

The benefits of this build depends heavily on who you actually put into it ( gee, who could have guessed that ? )
So here is a short list of a few benefits of the different Geo characters:

Geo Traveler: cheapest character to build in the game thanks to "free" constellations and ascension materials.
He also has a crit buff on his ultimate ability that is not to be underestimated and can do somewhat decent burst damage if you can afford to upgrade his artefacts on him.

Noelle: also F2p friendly because you can always get her, she offers to heal if for some reason your shield breaks a lot and you are too lazy to get NRE and fill it with food.
She has an instant panic button with her shield ability and being a claymore user she breaks rocks pretty easily, but most Geo characters can do that so it's a minor benefit at beast...
you run her for her availability and her healing most of the time.

Ningguang: She has the second-best burst damage of everybody if you can afford to upgrade her gear, she also is able to block projectiles making you even harder to kill.
She may lack the glorious back muscle Noelles has, but she is still pretty good Waifu material and could break rocks with those killer legs of hers.
She is an unstoppable juggernaut, but offers little benefit for anybody who isn't Geo outside of crazy high burst damage output as survivability should not be a problem with 2 Geo characters.

Zhongli: THE BEST geo burst damage support ( Ningguang would beat him as main DPS, but that's for another team comp)
He also offers easy access to a panic button like Noelle, and his ultimate does tons of damage even with low-level artefacts and can crowd control almost everything.
If you run him with Geo traveller you can also make a few meme combos to make dicks out of his and the traveller's ability or create some somewhat decent damage over time thanks to Geo resonance.
Being a 5 star though, I don´t expect most people to get access to any of his constellations that actually matters ( the low-level once suck IMO ) so you run him for his damage and CC.

Albedo: Albedo has a little of everything...He got good burst, can offer extra damage thanks to his field ability.
( And he can make you fly if you are into that Childe and hillicurls hates you when you go more then 2 feet up in the air ( watch the video, its pretty fun and educational if you don´t use Geo traveller alot )
He gives less survivability than most other Geo characters because he doesn't have much in defensive abilities but makes up for it in other ways.
He gives 125 elemental mastery for 10 seconds every time he uses his ultimate elemental burst, and because of how cheap and can be used ASAP most of the time even with only 12 seconds CD.
Not to mention his C1 if you can get it makes him generate crazy amounts of energy particles, so you run him for the extra damage, elemental mastery and the energy regeneration he offers.

If you have any questions about the builds, feel free to ask.

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