Native America was more than just the tribes of the continental US, but from Tierra del Fuego to Nunavut. The interactions between them and the French, Spanish, Portuguese, British, Danes, Canadians, Güeros, Basques and Russians were markedly different than with the 19th century US that your invoking.
For instance though the Spanish get the glory, the Totonacs, the Tlaxcaltecas and Texcocans recruited the Spanish to fight the Aztecs. The Cree recruited the French to supply weapons for their expansion into Dene territory. The Dene used European explorers as cover for genocidal attacks on the Inuit. The Abenaki, Ottawa, Menominee, Winnebago, Mississauga, Illinois, Sioux, Huron-Petun, Potawatomi allied with the French to attack British Colonials and their native allies. The Americans allied with the Creeks, Cherokees, and Choctaws to destroy the Red Sticks. The Mohawks, Cayugas, Onondagas, and Senecas fought with the British against the Oneidas, Tuscaroras and American Revolutionaries. The Tz'utujil and the K'iche' teamed up with the Conquistadors to conquer the Mam and the Ixil. 30,000 Huancas, Cañaris and Chachapoyas helped Pizzaro conquer the Incas. Pedro de Valdivia conquered Chile with an army made up solely of Quechua soldiers. The Spaniniards, Chichimeca, Apache and Comanche fought the Americans and Kiowa. The Picunche and their Spanish allies in Argentina fought the Mapuche. I could go on and on and on...
TLDR version: Noda is right.