She didn't act like a naive virgin teenager when seeing him naked, neither she fell in love with him or feel attracted to him? I didn't know mangakas were allowed to do that, so I guess it won't be another harem garbage?
Page 8 her black tights disappear for a panel lol
As for his dream, I honestly can't tell if it was symbolic or vague memory, especially since Blues was on it, but everyone being black silhouette was weird anyway, and he seemingly recognized that at least some of them might have be his teammates, which just open more questions
Crazy theory, he's from a parallel universe, he's their equivalent of Golden Man and was sent to the other dimension on purpose, hell, maybe they're they evil universe or something
I honestly have no fucking clue of what to expect or what assumptions to make, since this manga is being closer to comics and not using same generic cliches we're used too, but not outright copying comics either