Gomi Ika da to Tsuihousareta Shounin, Jitsu wa Zensei Kenja Desu ~Shijou Saikyou no Kenja, Sekai Saikou Hou no Gakuen ni Kayou~ - Ch. 4.2

Dex-chan lover
Jan 27, 2018
I just can't with those caricatural evil nobles in this one 😂

Although I guess I was never raised in a society that puts peerage before anything else, including ability, so who knows, maybe that's how their brains worked back then.
Well this is a caricature after all.

Irl, barons would have dinner with their vassals, both as host and guest. A lord's vassals were who they had to call on for war after all.

Counts and higher wouldn't do so individually because too many people, but that's what feasts were for.

AFAIK the whole peerage over all else really rose with professional armies.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 18, 2023
However, I do feel sorry for the people under that feudal lord, it's not their fault that their savior left them.

I really, really hope the Author doesn't ham-fist the repercussions of this, into some "nakamah-powah" nonsense.

At the very least, king/nation/council should get involved at the fact they just lost taxpaying cattle subjects because of delegating power to an inept lord. And that's at a bare minimum. Summary executions of entire families were had for less in history.

Let alone the Church, or any in-universe relief bodies cleaning up in the aftermath. It's a humanitarian and PR disaster at that point. In modern times it only has as much bite as the Catholic Pope condemning the Rohingya genocide; but in fictional medieval past the Church could have kings overthrown for marrying the "wrong" woman.

Caricatures need to end somewhere. Otherwise JP morality p__n gets as ugly as JP revenge p__n. Both equally poorly written with dysfunctional plot and universes.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 15, 2020
Man I loved the professor faces :lol: He was like:

"Dude are you sure you want to fight him? You got no chance lol"

Moments later... cast Firaga

"LOL told you, you will get reckt"

And man... poor civilians pay the price because of the idiot son... :notlikethis:

I don't think he will return but I think he might do something to the land if goes too bad...
Dex-chan lover
May 11, 2023
I want to also give benefit of the doubt to the Count mostly since atleast back in ch1 it seems like it was his son and thr other ppl who fed him Lies about our MC but i highly doubt the guy can swallow his pride and admit he was fooled
What benefit of the doubt mate? All it took for him to fire the MC was just the words of his son nothing else. He didn't bother doing even a tiny amount of investigation on his son's allegations of him being a thief nor that he "fakes" killing monsters heck the MC showed him the monster part, all he had to do was have an expert inspect it but he didn't do even that little, then just told him that he is "bellow trash" and banished him from the only home he's ever known, again, on pure unconfirmed allegations.

If he wants to save his territory now he should just pay up.

He's got money, so he should just spend them to hire some adventurers or mercenaries. Heck I recall that his house had some mighty expensive looking items, he can sell those as well as the mansion, he could get a small private army with such funds.

So all in all the feudal lord reaped what he himself sowed and deserves no pity in the least.
Dex-chan lover
May 11, 2023
Quite frankly, I want to give the father a chance.

You got to remember, MC is a sage living a second life.

I trust that MC had the ability to character check the father before serving so faithfully.
Why give him a second chance? When he himself didn't give the MC a first chance to defend himself from his "dear son's" allegations?
He could have the MC's room searched for the money or other suspiciously pricey items that he should not have been able to buy on his butler's stipend or ask around to ascertain his spending habits, or even IF there was money missing from the house's coffers. He did no such thing.
He could have send a team to investigate IF there are monster corpses in the surrounding area or even have the MC prove that he can kill powerful monsters, he chose not to.
Heck he could just have the fang that the MC showed him checked by an expert to ascertain its authenticity. But again he chose to deem it a fake out of hand and then declare the MC worse than trash and subsequently banish him from the only house he's ever known, even after years of faithful service with nothing but the shirt on his back and in a most insulting manner at that...again on unconfirmed allegations from ONE person.

He deserves no pity, nor a second chance. I sincerely hope the MC won't give him a second chance....but we all know that 99.9999% of MC's in Japanese media are goodie two shoes because "the MC must be selfless and forgiving always" for ...reasons...
I just hope that when he'll inevitably chose to help the feudal lord, he'll charge him an arm and a leg so he can fund his spell research...at least that is what I would expect someone whose supposed to be a sage and has the wisdom of having lived already once to have.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 20, 2024
Starting to notice why the art is so weird. It looks like the artist traced over 3D models.
now that you mentioned it, it does look like that in some places

It's a bit weird, but it gets the job done for a generic power fantasy :thumbsup:
Dex-chan lover
Feb 17, 2024
It looks like the artist traced over 3D models.
Does it? That would explain why certain artists' styles look similar to this one. And it makes sense for them to use all kinds of tools keep up on this hectic market.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 26, 2024
Double-page supporter
Jan 14, 2021
now that you mentioned it, it does look like that in some places

It's a bit weird, but it gets the job done for a generic power fantasy :thumbsup:
Does it? That would explain why certain artists' styles look similar to this one. And it makes sense for them to use all kinds of tools keep up on this hectic market.
The trick is the uncanny valley. I'm an artist myself and did try that for a time, it's not hard to see the signs:
-Facial Features look painted on
-Poses are stiff and underexaggerated (you can especially see this if the fingers don't outstretch)
-The Uncanny Valley
-Perspective issues that tend to show up
Page 3 shows a few of them with the large spread.
That said, I'll also concede the artist could be at a transitional period, since some of the other stuff looks fine.
Active member
Apr 2, 2018
"I need to bring him back!"
"Do I offer a sincere apology, a lot of money, favorable working conditions, and a choice of harem members?"
"NO! I must construct a convoluted scheme to make him indebted to me, FOR NO GOOD REASON!!"

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