Guild no Cheat na Uketsukejou

Dec 19, 2018
To all those guys still complaining about the quality of translation or literature please do yourself a favor and please stop with the hate bullshit.

The only reason you are reading this is because some good guy decided to stand up and translate these artworks for the rest of you non-Japanese readers.

So either deal with it or go back and read something else which is upto your standereds rather than slamming the translators with unnecessary complains.

As for the Orangescans, I understand the pain of a scanlation dropping a favorite manga and really appreciate how you would go as far as learn Japanese and delve into the lightnovels just to bring us these chapters. Forget the haters, just know that the fans will always love you.
[Also mangadex please add the Heart emoji]
Jun 25, 2019
keep goin mr orangescans, haters gonna hate, if ppl easily changed their mind just bcus some haters shittin on it, thats mean they got no establishment and dont deserve any respect at all
Sep 1, 2019
Quite enjoyable. The MC is staying back, but it's not the generic 'I want a quiet life' schtick that so many isekai trot out, but more of a 'I have faith in the people around me', which is a nice change.

Honestly, getting some Oh My Goddess! vibes from this.
Jan 11, 2020
Thanks for the work. If you want some help editing the English text, I could try. Send me a PM if you want.
Oct 3, 2019

i would like to thank you for investing Your time and energy towards this project of yours 😪

it is because of your passion, that this fine piece of reading material is readable.............. in English 😉

because of your hardwork, all chapters <is Up to date, synchronize with Japan> is readable at this point, hoooooooray <kudos to you> 😤

i have been feeling mix emotion when reading this manga <Joy, sad, and especially hope>
and i thank you for that 🙃

from my point of view, Illya~san has been acting as a teacher towards almost............. everyone she ever met

although she can be a little strict at times, but, it is all because Illya~san wishes the person to learn from their mistakes and making a point that;
mistakes will happen, but never ever gets discourage from that, but try to move forward, little by little, by your own pace and reach your destination

and also, it is never wrong to ask for help when you are in need

i think, maybe i should be calling her Illya~Sensei from now on 🤣

i wish you luck on all of your future endeavors @casteryvan,
and may the next chapter, and the next chapters be available to read as soon as you can upload it OK 😎

last but not least, "Thank You my friend"
Dex-chan lover
Mar 7, 2019
ok, as far as i read this im honestly a bit confused sometime. sometimes i got lost in the middle and confused who's talking. but kinda wierd, i mean as long as i know, this group also doing galactic navy officer, which i must say i didnt find any problem when i read it. was there a problem until 2 different series that done by the same group somehow looks different ?
well thats for the translation.
art, i cant blame the group. i must admit that im confused on how the battles goes, the sylph rescue part is the most confusing one. but im interested int the story tho, ngnl. this is not focusing to the mc but rather focusing how the mc interact with others and advising them while keeping her (or his (?)) power involvement in check.
Group Leader
Oct 12, 2019
@ispcizero3rd It's because Galactic Navy Officer's manga artist have better composition than the artist of Guild no Cheat. This manga has been a real challenge to translate cause there are a lot of details explained in the lightnovels that have been left out for the readers to guess what they are really talking about. And the balloon placement is too confusing that I need to put circles with the speaker's initials to convey who is really talking. If you're reading this manga without any knowledge of the lightnovels, you would really get confused the same way I got confused translating this. I have to read the original Japanese web novel to understand what they are talking about. I think I can understand now why the previous translator have given up translating this manga as there have been plenty of instances that I've felt like dropping this project already.
Group Leader
Oct 12, 2019
@ispcizero3rd yeah, what you’ve read from my translation is the translation of the original Japanese text plus some added details I've picked up from the lightnovels. If I were to only translate it word per word, it would be more confusing than what it already is. It's like the manga artist already assumed the reader already read the light novel. As the translator, I was trying to piece together tons of puzzle pieces.
Jan 28, 2020
Now, I can see the manga left out so many details... As someone who read the Web Novel, it's kinda okay... I can see that you the manga is a little bit faster in pacing but it's fine... I'll be waiting for the next chapter. Thanks... 😁👍
Jan 28, 2020
Hi OrangeScans team!
Just abit of feedback regarding the translation quality - I honestly feel it'll be great to find someone to help edit your translation. Your TL is fine, but you need to have someone whose actually fluent in EN.
Personal advice from a former editor; don't worry about being literal in your TLs, feel free to make it alittle more liberal. I personally feel that so long as one gets the message/intention of the author across to the reader while actually sounding fluent in English is a big win within itself. That being said, dont actually be too liberal with your TL or the meaning/gist of it will get lost!

I really like this Manga's concept and I hope to see it improve! Thanks for the TL and stay safe!
Mar 18, 2020
I love this story! It has its flaws but honestly it is very good. Plus you have a TL who loves the story and puts extra effort in. More people should read this.

PS Thanks TL for working on this project!
Jul 7, 2019
Will there ever be chapters detailing what happened before MC became the op receptionist?
Dex-chan lover
Jun 13, 2019
The story is good, the lore has been cut, I honestly don't really see much a reason as to why everyone hates it so much. This manga literally expects you to know the light novel, yes I know that's bad, it also omits alot of details, but a fucking 5-star rating?! Come on, this is better than alot of that ero harem trash manga and webnovels everyone just 'loves' to read. Seriously, the light novel is worth many more stars, this manga however at least 6, if it was a standalone yall would be rating it way higher, almost to a 7 I bet
Aug 22, 2020
Not sure why this is rated so low. At the very least it is better than all these generic isekai stories.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 17, 2020
it's not too bad, but i got one thing that i don't understand: why isekai? why a dude before he reincarnate? it doesn't play anything in the story . The autor could have just go for fantasy only like: " this elf girl is loved by god and was given broken skill at birth follow her slice of life-ish adventure" it could have been nice too, but nOooOo, isekai popular so let's make an isekai in name only
Dex-chan lover
Apr 13, 2020
The elements of the story are interesting but awkwardly bad executed, why reincarnate?, how they feel being a woman long live elf?, how she felt about yury?, what skills have?, what happened enterely before beign a recepcionist?, how she gain their reputation of charismatic OP MC, even if she really make a good effort of not being a protagonist and just be a recepcionist?... too much question that the story dont care a shit to tell about in this world built it by a lazy mangaka

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