The more fucked-up yuri this series delivers, the stronger my soul becomes and the more powerful my life force grows. I am currently projected to live an extra 80,000 years from consuming this chapter alone.
You guys need a better vocubulary
"Snipe" "Helvetica" "Snipe Snipe Snipe"
It's like a scratched record, lord knows none of you actually bothered to think about anything other than your loyal devotion and raging antipathy to fan projects
Technically it's a little bit of a mistranslation,
we fucked that up
It's effectively the same meaning though, you know those play-model things the Japanese make of mechas and stuff where you have to cut out and assemble each part of the Mecha or whatever it is from those plastic templates? It's one of those, which is in essence, a model kit.
LMAOing @ all these fools that think a scanlation group has any right to any manga. Shits all illegal anyway, stop being a bitch about it. @PureDisgust Your group improved quite a bit from some other scanlation I saw from you guys. Doesn't look like total cancer now.
It's just etiquette. If another group has already been working on a series for awhile, even if you think they're a bit slow, just let them and don't snipe, it's fucking rude.
Cheers, man! We put a lot of effort into this one, and wanted to make it look as nice as we possibly could since the source material is so enjoyable.
There's some flaws, and we'll be working on improving those over time when we build up experience, but for now I'm pretty satisfied with it.
@PureDisgust Shit looks good man. The quality is more than acceptable and the people that bitch the most are usually butthurt scanlators and their fan boys. The average reader doesn't give a shit. I can tell you that much from experience.