Hachinan tte, Sore wa Nai Deshou! - Vol. 8 Ch. 46 - The Melancholy of The Baumeister Family

Dex-chan lover
Feb 22, 2019
Shitty family,
From father, and his son..
Even his advisor, Klaus.
Why you make him your advisor when he cant be trusted?

It's good that wendelin and other brother get out of that family..
Nothing good come out with Baumister family
Aug 16, 2020
Interesting... so Kurt wasn't a jealous ass**** from the very beginning, he actually wanted to rule with the help of his brothers, it was his shitty father the one that ruined everything.... this is quite different from the anime where he despised Wendelin just because...
I wonder if his death it's going to be the same...
Jun 18, 2019
This is the reason why I prefer battle royale style when everyone try to kill each other for inheritance rather than make the first son as the heir. Born first don't make you better than anyone else.
Jan 30, 2018
He had many superior brothers yet, never tried to improve himself, he can't even read his father was even hinting that kurt was lacking even though the father was just as inept.

The territory was given to the family in order for them to develop it, yet they never did. No wonder they're plotting against Kurt.
Double-page supporter
Jan 17, 2018
The true asshole is the father. Why would you have 8 children if you plan on giving the boot to most of them?
Dex-chan lover
Jun 30, 2018
@Halo He didn't necessarily have them all on purpose. Horny old noble, sticking it in anyone he can. A tale as old as tales can be.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@4altera It is kinda like that though, just that most other sons where either driven out or left on their own. The only one who kinda didn't was the 3rd son who married into another house. The father sorted out the inheritance so it would be smooth and not cause a divide in the family. It has been mentioned several times that they might have divided the land or someone might have taken Kurt's place if things had gone differently.

They are just a small time knight family so of course they can't really provide the entire family. It would be different if they where a count or higher where they would have good prospects even without being the heir.
Jan 27, 2018
I who had read the WN of this feel the chapter had a few mistranslated parts unless this all in Kurt's head and how he saw the world around him.
1) Eric was actually good with the bow. All of the Baumeister Siblings could use the bow at least.
2) There are no sewers in Baumeister Knightdom. They are just rural villages
3) Klaus is not married to a young woman. It was he offered his daughter as a mistress.
4) The page talking about the margrave is severely messed up. That page was most likely talking about the Demon Forest incident in which Wendelin's master died.
5) This is in the future but the father in away was testing Kurt to see if he can throw away his insecurities and pride to work with his brothers and make them Vassals. However it is admitted that this was done badly. Because the father is an Idiot.
6) Kurt was actually upset that he had to marry late and was glad when his brothers left the territory giving up the right of inheritance.
7)Kurt was also glad when Herman was married into the Vassal home because that was the same as not being able to inherit the family rank. Kurt had rude thought that Herman did't have what it takes to inherit.
8) Shouldn't have a woman but my mother who was one year younger than his father.
9) He thought Wendelin and Eric were working behind his back to ruin him. This was due spoils from the hunt for the wedding being larger than ever.
10) Frontier Nobles like them normally think that they can't truly inherit the position until the previous head dies.

@IlsaTilsaKilsaMilsa Herman is the 2nd son and married into the vassal family. 3rd son to 5th son left after the wedding. 6th son and 7th son are the mistress' children also there are 2 daughter also the mistress'. Mistress' children do not have the rights to inherit.
Oct 21, 2019
@RyuOdjin isn't that the case for most WN??
The series was originally a LN yeah? So it shouldnt surprise anyone if the WN adaptation would change stuff a bit.
Double-page supporter
Jan 17, 2018
@IlsaTilsaKilsaMilsa if that were true, he would have tried to be on good terms with his obviously talented sons.
Nah, I think Glomoro is right. The dude just couldn't keep it in his pants.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 27, 2019
I really love this manga adaptation, in anime Kurt seems like a total asshole since the beginning but he was kinda proud of his brothers, until he saw how all of them did what he didn't do: Make their own life before worrying about inheritance. Everybody was special in something and maybe he was a good leader or something else. Although the father is an idiot, he was right about something, "Look after yourserlf" but he said this at a bad time and in a bad way. The culprit that he became that arrogant tyrant was his father and himself or his pride, by focusing his life on being only the future heir, in how wonderful is everybody except him and not being just Kurt.

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