i have a feeling only ghost girls will possess women and in the future he himself might switch with male ghostsMy future condolences for whichever girl ends up having their body stolen by the AV actor (big schlong man).
i have a feeling only ghost girls will possess women and in the future he himself might switch with male ghosts
Lol magician guy saying "you'd lose ypur shot at getting your body back" to great value mordred there.
Yeah the mc definitely seems like a stand up guy I'm sure he'll let them back to life after the year is up.
And most likely there will be lesbians considering the world they're in, so he can possess a girl and use his skill, and the author can do the girl on girl but maybe we, the readers, see the ghost guy going at her insteadI was thinking that because this is a hentai the author probably might not want to have dudes possess the girls in MCs harem...but at the same time, considering the story is listed as a comedy and the amount of screen time this man's getting I'm not putting it off the table just yet. It's just too funny a possibility of one of these girls "becoming one with the schlong".