Hagure Seirei Ino Shinsatsu Kiroku ~ Seijo Kishi-dan to Iyashi no Kamiwaza ~ - Vol. 2 Ch. 9

Active member
Jan 24, 2018
Thanks for the chapter. Anyway, "Grass-sensei having a plant-type spirit contract is currently talking to the grass"
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Dr. Grass got to witness a good show. Too bad it was caused by the land's suffering.
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 14, 2019
Who woulda thought that the main body was the bit that was like 5 time thicker?
Dex-chan lover
May 15, 2019
So his actual spirit is some ruler of spirits and his current spirit is some kind of extra filler because he couldn't summon the super spirit? Or did the super spirit call for help through the contract with the small spirit?

Went back to ch1, his friend girl has an air spirit, why are all the OP spirits called as fails, have they ever heard of research?
"oh noes he got the power to control plant life, better not try to improve our farms with this, it's a fail. Oh noes our soldiers have no food because the land is dying, too bad we don't have anyone with magic to magic this problem away because we don't write down what "failures" can do."
"oh noes she got the power to control the air, this clearly wont let her do anything useful like flying or suffocating me by flicking a finger or crushing me by compressing the air around me or making various inhospitable places breathable and usable, like putting out fires, defending against airborn poisons/pathogens fucking whatever, omnipotent much? nah this is a failure"
Dex-chan lover
Jan 3, 2019

Medieval science didn't really consider some of those things.

- It's unsure how and how well he would improve food production without experiments, but they probably think 'talking to plants' to be nonsense. And they're considered as failures until someone has proven their capabilities, which requires someone powerful enough to do it, influential enough to get a try at it and if successful spread the news of it and brave enough to go through with it. I can't recall if they mentioned how common they were as a type either.

-Air... i'm no expert, but I can't really remember a lot of medieval / renaissance science about air ,so they probably don't know what 'air' is other than breathing it. They might also not know that removing air kills many fires.
Active member
Sep 5, 2019
MC’s eyes weirded me out this chapter. They’re spaced far apart, and half the time they’re not pointed in the same direction.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 3, 2019
In the his book "Physics," Aristotle claimed that Air had a lot to do with stuff; things that were light had more Air, and heavy had less Air. Things that moved through the air were being "pushed" by Air, and it made things go, but they only deviated by "Chance," and not by other forces of Air.
There's a big Wiki article about Aristotelan physics, and a bunch of stuff on jStor too... and his works on physics were totally accepted until Galileo, and then Newton.
And before Newton, all the math for physics was base 12; easier to do fractions, ya see....
Dex-chan lover
May 25, 2018
@valve since tbose people only seen spirit as tool of war, basically weapon so straight and easy to understand basic element is more preferable, i think there a dude with rock spirit and considered a dud since its only affect rock and not earth as whole but the wn and manga didnt divulge so dunno about the potential
As for MC, he can only use lesser plant to intermediet,
the one in forest not his contract but since he contracted with plant spirit he can saw it and the spirit is higher ranked even considered as local goddess
Dex-chan lover
Jan 3, 2019

Being somewhat cynical...

We all know how commonly known greek science was during the medieval ages, right?
Fed-Kun's army
May 5, 2018
MC : being considerate and flustered by boobs and look away
Also MC : lemme smear this gooey shit on your tits
Dex-chan lover
Oct 3, 2019
I get that, but... yeah, schooling was pretty common in the high middle ages, and this stuff was part of basic schooling.

Well, okay; it wasn't common in Eastern Europe, but it was common in Western Europe, most of Asia, and of the Arabian caliphates (with the above list being from least to most education), and they all had copies of that book, as well as the Al-Majest and Galen's writings on biology.

Huge universities at the Sorbonne, Salerno, Oxford, and... Iunno; like two other places.
Most of the stuff was Common Knowledge, honestly.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 3, 2019

Literacy rate was imo pretty low throughout the middle ages.
Sure, anyone above the actual peasants / serfs might've had a chance to learn to read, that's still not a majority of people.
And for the availability of books before Gutenberg... not necessarily great.
And even if they had books on the subject, that's no guarantee they would actually teach various people about that subject.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 24, 2019
huh, it's not that revealing and he's already flustered??
but touching is OK!!!

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