except, its nearly impossible to forget because that blackmail is the entire catalyst for their relationship in the first place. and its not like Takamine's personality from chapter 1 has changed much at all. in fact, i'd say its gotten worse because she's only cucking herself, because NOW she apparently likes him, by acting the way she does. its the whole reason he's so timid around her, because she might just pull another blackmail out of her hat with how unpredictable she is. and you might say she definitely won't, but given this is how she expresses her "tsundere" side, i wouldn't put it past the author to have her do something like that again...
She likes him, and yet, as you say, is nothing but abusive towards him. MC has to change, but FMC has to also reflect and change her approach, and that clearly hasn't happened yet. I'm not even optimistic about how their relationship will unfold. at best, the rape blackmail was for cheap shock value, and at worst, it's an abusive manipulative chokehold paired with humiliation. who would be rooting for her?? I wouldn't blame anyone for dropping this after the first chapter.