Haite Kudasai, Takamine-san - Vol. 9 Ch. 56 - Show me how you'll hide it

Group Leader
Jul 20, 2018
You guys arguing show more care and thought than this manga gets from its author and editor, no joke
I appreciate that, but personally, at the risk of sucking off the author too much, I think this manga shows a lot of care and hard work :thumbsup:
That's a crazy amount of words and assumptions just to justify her literally enslaving this guy to be her "closet" with the threat of magically ruining his life with a false rape accusation. Seriously, dude, it's fine if you like the scenario, but it's actually unhinged to claim that it's morally incorrect to dislike her.
You must have missed the parts where I called the blackmail "awful" and "inexcusable," and where I stated "of course you're entitled to your own opinions of Takamine." You clearly have some real-life emotional investment you're bringing in here, and so your dislike of Takamine is absolutely fine, but that doesn't excuse lousy reading. You ignored my main point about the power of fiction and ignored my direct rebuttals of your statement that "the only thing Takamine has done is be terrible to the male lead" and that she "humiliates him every day" only to misrepresent my points in a way that's unjustifiable.
I feel like what she did goes quite a few steps beyond "tsundere" territory and literally into sexual assault, false accusation and actual enslavement territory.
...Sure? I never claimed that the blackmail attempt was "haha, classic tsundere." Again, I think you're misrepresenting my reply because you didn't read. I pointed out that one of her character attributes is tsundere in the part of my reply that focused more on pointing out her positive qualities.
That threat that she made was very, very real. She even made him go through [...] That's not something you can just skip over.
No, the threat she made was very, very fiction. Also, just did :02:. But to be serious, the threat may have been real, but I have a hard time believing it was sincere. She has a pretty good track record of not meaning it when she says such tyrannical things. I think this is important to bring up, even though it only marginally detracts from the severity of what she did. One other point I'll make to detract from how much the threat mars her as a character is that she is seen to lose all sense of judgement when frazzled. For instance when Shirota states his intention to not attend university, she loses her marbles, leaving home with her skirt riding up and without a bra. She's also severely autistic. None of this excuses her actions.
That's not something that can be glossed over with "teehee be my slave, but you know I just want you to do your best, there is no threat, I swear! But if you disobey..."
Please point me to the passage where she clearly states that she wont use that blackmail scenario in chapter 2? [...] Her saying "but really there is no threat to you, I just want you to do your best" is completely inconsequential, because she continues to force him to do things later. It's hardly a clear message of "you're free to go if you want to."
There's not even a hint of consent in this story.
The "but if you disobey..." part just doesn't really exist after chapter 2, in which she hangs it over his head and then says "But you know, there really is no threat to you. I really just want you to do your best.". You can see Shirota's thoughts, you know. He's a simp from day 1. A "closet pervert." Before chapter 2, where she states that she wont use the blackmail scenario, his thoughts reflect this lack of perceived free will. After chapter 2, where she states this feeling of being threatened no longer has such thoughts. No, Prez didn't say "you're free to go." But when I say the relationship is understood to be consensual, I mean that after this line in chapter 2, he seems to have an understanding that he won't truly suffer such severe consequences, and his thoughts reflect a willingness, and even an eagerness, to perform his duties and be close to Takamine. He gets a lot out of the relationship and is devastated by the idea that their relationship might have an end date when they graduate and go their separate ways.
If she is as good as you say, does she ever give him a clear choice to leave? To stop being her "closet"? Or does he still have no choice? How exactly can we gloss over her false accusation threat if it is clearly still being used and if she is clearly forcing him to obey her? Even far after chapter 2, she still claims that he has "no choice and must obey her" repeatedly. That's coming from someone that he knows can ruin his life at a whim. Just think about it for a bit.
In chapter 47 she "dismisses" him as her closet because she thought he didn't want to do it anymore. Lately, there's been a lot of development as to their relationship. I remember that at earlier points, she let him avoid her and so on. But no, she doesn't give him a clear choice. She lords over him. That's just how it is. If he expressed a true willingness to leave, who knows what she would do at any particular time in the manga? I think she would fight for it, but concede without further blackmail. Far after chapter 2, she does use forceful language, but it's pretty clear that there's not the threat of sexual assault allegations.
If I was in his position and knew that she literally had the power to ruin my life and that she was essentially telling me "I'm your master and you must be at my beck and call all day," I would still feel insanely uncomfortable about that dynamic, even if she said "OBEY ME, but there is no threat to you I pinky promise teehee."
Good thing you're not and that it's just fiction. Personally, I'd also feel uncomfortable in that kind of dynamic. Definitely not for me.
It's also absolutely wild that you claim that "women would know more about blackmail than men" as if men arent the main target of false accusations to begin with. Yeah, maybe they know more about doing the blackmailing /jk. I've had personal experience with the kind of damage that women can do to a man with just a few words, so I would appreciate it if you wouldnt make such wildly unfair, sexist assumptions.
Sure, my overall point was that it's not a situation where you have to be a certain gender to understand the ethics of the situation and what the potential psychological impact could be. You stated that "the only real cases where I think people might find her appealing are if you are a woman (who doesn't really get the male perspective, but likes the femdom)," and I just thought it was weird to say that there's some appreciable aspect of the male perspective that makes this situation totally different. I responded with "I think they might, on average, have more of an understanding of what it's like to be a victim of blackmail given that women are victims of blackmail all the time," to point out that there are other shared experiences than gender that can impact ability to sympathize. As for actual statistics here, I was somewhat surprised to find out that men and women have similar rates of sextortion victimization, with the rate for men actually eclipsing women during the pandemic.
That last passage of yours seemed so defensive about women, so I'm a bit a curious, are you a woman? That would explain a few things about your assumptions, I guess, especially the dismissal of her false rape accusation threat that she is holding over him. (Not to say that all women think like this, but it's more likely that a woman would think it is no big deal I guess, from personal experience).
Either way, your staunch and unfair defense of her just makes me dislike her even more, because it reminds me that there are plenty of people that justify shit like this... Sorry, I guess I just really hate this character.
Your annoying and misrepresentative attack makes me want to defend her even more, tbh. Look at us, in the trenches together :wowee:

Maybe it's just personal and I hate women
Thanks for the long reply. I agree with this. Just because Takamine says she won't doesn't mean she can't use the allegation. A looming threat is always there for Shirota forcing conpliance.
I'd argue that there's anything in the work implying that this threat is always looming or that Shirota is motivated by it.
[People that point out] how she's improving Shirota ignore the fact she is doing this for her own selfish reasons.
I mean some would argue that everything anybody does is for selfish reasons, a.k.a. egoism, but I think it's clear that she has genuine affection for him and wants to see him better himself and have more confidence for reasons one typically wouldn't label selfish. I do agree that it's controlling behavior, but this is one of the areas where the fact that it's fictional and caricature and that we can examine both sides as omniscient third parties really helps.
She wouldn't let her closet go if he wanted to.
I disagree but there's not a lot to go on there
I've mentioned it before that a better story would have been Shirota trying to break free from her control. He improves himself enough that he becomes popular that her threat is null. His classmates would believe his word. Maybe then Takamine-san has to confront her feelings and opens up to Shirota about why she originally threatened him or Shirota finds love elsewhere.
I mean it would be a totally different story. It does sound interesting though. I believe that Takamine opening up is inevitable, however. I also believe that there's plenty of room in this manga for Takamine to face major regret over how she opened up the relationship.
Takamine is extremely sociopathic.
I disagree. I think she's just built different. She still has a pretty wide array of emotions.
Until she clearly explains to Shirota that she loves him, something that she herself does not understand (and evidenced by the lesbian friend’s conundrum in the recent chapter)
She was going to confess in Chapter 25, and clearly understands that she loves him, she's just extremely autistic and doesn't understand a lot of aspects of human behavior. The thing with Eri was her being thrown for a loop having essentially received a confession from Shirota and finding herself going from assertive pursuer to receiver.
I can understand completely lopsided and evil dynamics like these in a porn scenario like a doujin, but if you're going for a long form romance (even if it is degenerate and absurd), that kind of abuse and inequality is pretty hard to enjoy. At least, for me
That's fair, though I'd argue that this manga is actually somewhat pornographic and that the dynamic is somewhat less lopsided than you put forth.
Obviously, nothing wrong if anyone enjoys it, but ya gotta acknowledge that there are good reasons for people to dislike this character.
It's not that I think there aren't good reasons for people to dislike the character, but I disagree with the idea that she is objectively awful or that the only people who would like her are women or men who are into the hardest of core bdsm with the bleakest of the blackmails. I think their dynamic is somewhat endearing and root for them, taking the manga as it is.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 9, 2023
It's not that I think there aren't good reasons for people to dislike the character, but I disagree with the idea that she is objectively awful or that the only people who would like her are women or men who are into the hardest of core bdsm with the bleakest of the blackmails. I think their dynamic is somewhat endearing and root for them, taking the manga as it is.
Enjoy whatever you want. That's not my issue.

But she is objectively awful. She DID blackmail him and that blackmail is still in the air, hovering over him, no matter how you twist it. She made him LIVE through it. It wasnt just pure fiction. He experienced having his life ruined before his eyes. She objectively lorded over him and forced him to do things. Hell, even just looking at the chapter where she forced him into a time loop in order to win a school race, imagine having someone with power over time do that and having no say in the matter? Forced to run and run until you win, just to satisfy her whims? That's not even close to the worst she has done either, it's just what came to mind. Or, as she has done throughout the entire series, be forced into sexual servitude towards her? She NEVER checks for his consent in any of this. And she uses forceful language in every damn chapter. What else are we supposed to get from that? That this is somehow still consensual?

Even in just this chapter alone, she physically hurts him in a humiliating way (pinching his face) and tells him that his "duty is to only be her closet." After so damn long, this lopsided dynamic has not changed in the slightest. Her falling in love with him makes absolutely zero, zilch difference when it comes to their abusive dynamic built on blackmail and her having absolute power over him. Power that she abuses in her own selfish interests, with zero qualms. (That also tells me that if he ever decided that he wants nothing to do with her, she would not hesitate at hurting him with those same powers.)

All of the above is objectively, no doubt about it, awful. Can you enjoy an awful character? Sure. But please dont try to pretend that she isnt objectively awful. Maybe she isnt awful to you, specifically (who might have a fetish for false allegations and slavery, idk), but just like a woman who has a rape fetish should be able to understand that a fictional rapist (who is oh so dreamy and in love) is still objectively awful, so should you be able to understand that Takamine is objectively awful as a person.

That's my whole point. Dismiss whatever I say, my experiences, my views on gender, whatever, but I think that this is pretty basic human understanding of a person being awful.
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Dex-chan lover
Mar 9, 2023
glad we're settled
Well, if all of this was just trolling on your part, then I would be glad. Somehow, it doesnt seem that way. Either way, I still admire your degeneracy, I guess. From afar 😅
Dex-chan lover
Nov 5, 2019
She used a SA allegation to force MC to be her obedient closet. So.....
And here's the thing:
I will gladly read manga about fictional killers, cannibals, pedophiles, rapists, pirates, monsters and other things that are terrible in real life but make for interesting fiction. A fictional girl giving fake SA allegations is no different.
Disney and marvel shit has dumbed down people to the point where every main character needs to be a walking PSA of only virtuous choices and everything needs to be a dorky little morality tale so the low IQ disney-addicts won't get confused because they cant tell what's real from what's fiction.
She's a terrible person, but the enjoyment of this particular manga is "what if the terrible but SMOKING HOT girl from school would want me to look at her pussy all day and make me her slave" so her being terrible is PART of the enjoyment of the fantasy.

Neither do I want to become victim of false SA allegations nor do I want anyone else to become it, because I can immerse myself in a fictional fantasy without wanting it to bleed into reality.

I hope that clears things up.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 12, 2024
And here's the thing:
I will gladly read manga about fictional killers, cannibals, pedophiles, rapists, pirates, monsters and other things that are terrible in real life but make for interesting fiction. A fictional girl giving fake SA allegations is no different.
Disney and marvel shit has dumbed down people to the point where every main character needs to be a walking PSA of only virtuous choices and everything needs to be a dorky little morality tale so the low IQ disney-addicts won't get confused because they cant tell what's real from what's fiction.
She's a terrible person, but the enjoyment of this particular manga is "what if the terrible but SMOKING HOT girl from school would want me to look at her pussy all day and make me her slave" so her being terrible is PART of the enjoyment of the fantasy.

Neither do I want to become victim of false SA allegations nor do I want anyone else to become it, because I can immerse myself in a fictional fantasy without wanting it to bleed into reality.

I hope that clears things up.
I agree, terrible or difficult people can make for interesting stories. Takamine as a character is not, the premise had promise and multiple ways to alleviate the initial SA.
The problem is viewpoint when discussing Takamine. We as the readers know her motivation and so some give Takamine a pass on her behavior.
But when looked at from Shirota's viewpoint, our MC, she's terrible towards him. She could provide basic explanations that don't come off as demeaning or rude but chooses not to. Rare moments when she could be kind are constantly reset to terrible.

Overall I'm just disappointed in the lost potential of an interesting romcom.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 16, 2018
Gotta be honest, it's rather annoying how any actual talk about the current chapter gets sucked into the stupid endless debate about what happened in chapter 1.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
lets be honest, would you rather watch this or another isekai that looks to similar to another isekai lol
My initial inclination is that my time would be better spent doing almost anything else than watching either of those.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 12, 2023
If the anime adaptation doesn't become another victim of prim censorship, then it has the potential to be one of the most amazing meta-ironic ecchi anime.
After the absolute censor mess that was the 2.5D adaptation, my hopes for this not being censored to hell dropped significantly.

Dex-chan lover
May 14, 2018
After the absolute censor mess that was the 2.5D adaptation, my hopes for this not being censored to hell dropped significantly.


Well, we can already look at what the content in the anime will look like. Looks like they are going to censor things, but release an 18+ edition later.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 12, 2023

Well, we can already look at what the content in the anime will look like. Looks like they are going to censor things, but release an 18+ edition later.
I'll believe it when episodes come out. 2.5D went so far as to completely change outfits (story about cosplay btw) for the sake of censorship. I have no faith atm.
Nov 24, 2024
What the hell does she mean. How can she do a triple axel when only like 20 people in the world can do it.Not even 20 less than that

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