So this plot arc is all over the place. First she cant spend Christmas vacation with him due to work, so MC spends the week lonely. Only to have literally everyone show up at his house, force him to go out, the have him work, all because FMC was taking cake lessons? And said lessons were completely bullshit byw. All FMC needed was someone to tell her to stop putting extra shit in the cake recipe which she has yet to make once correctly. Ive made cake before, it isn't rocket science. Follow the recipe and what comes out is not only edible, but almost always good tasting (unless you burn the crap out of it). It took her a week to learn this?
Also, how and when did his male friends get roped into this? I get that they are more or less filler characters whose sole purpose it plot progression through a non-female medium, but seriously? No real build up at all to this.
Now there is a gift exchange? Who was the dumbass who decided that was a good idea? MC was planning to spend Christmas vacation alone in his room. He learned about this whole thing literally a few hours ago. How is he supposed to have a gift all set and ready to exchange?
Either way. It looks like MC's lucky pants are on today because somehow he will pull out something to exchange which will somehow reset the plot progress back to square 1 so the next "arc which can be placed anywhere in the timeline because it starts and ends with the same basic key points" can start with a clean slate.