Doubt the author cares enough to do this but "My younger sister saved me from my college-classmate/clubmate-simp-turned-rapist" might actually be a decent turning point for Touka to stop being so ridiculously antagonistic.Author please the only thing i ask of you, which is a very low bar, is that if you are going to have stalker rapist rape someone anyways, please let it be the older sister and not the younger one by mistake
Right....given how some women in this manga have a bad habit of touching guys when they're unconscious....fucking weirdos"It took till morning to explain everything and I was eventually forgiven."
It's not like you knew anything that happened to begin with
As if MC would just outright say and do something like that 💀"I have no idea how your sister ended up with a picture of my dong like that, but I'll send you a better one taken from a better angle and improved lighting" should be an adequate explanation I'd imagine
And to help with that task, Touka is the short haired one, aka the targetAuthor please the only thing i ask of you, which is a very low bar, is that if you are going to have stalker rapist rape someone anyways, please let it be the older sister and not the younger one by mistake
Well Touka I have to say that you basically have child porn on your phone
Funny you said that, because the only reason making, selling, and owning CP in Japan became illegal (from 2014 onward), was thanks to international powers forcing the law on themTry living in Japan 30 years before posting.
US laws ≠ Japanese laws.
Stop trying to force your beliefs onto others.
Whoa Whoa Buddy, don't forget she's really reeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaallllyyyyly stupid too, it's at least worth a ride.Big sis is honestly such a bitch, completely irredeemable character. Now, normally, being hot would excuse such behaviour, but as it happens she has a carbon copy that looks exactly like her minus being an evil bitch, so she's got nothing to stand on.
Poor (younger) Honjou deserves better.
Worked for Rob Gronkowski.Ight I'm making the call right now: Touka was 100% dropped on her head repeatedly as a baby
I'll only forgive him if he gave me two pics"I have no idea how your sister ended up with a picture of my dong like that, but I'll send you a better one taken from a better angle and improved lighting" should be an adequate explanation I'd imagine
Some context:Funny you said that, because the only reason making, selling, and owning CP in Japan became illegal (from 2014 onward), was thanks to international powers forcing the law on them
So actually even if most Japanese don't agree nor follow or obey the law, and are a bunch of nonces, Ochrolv is technically right, both in his assumption, and by forcing his beliefs, because at the end of the day that's is how Japan gets to save face