That wasn't made completely clear, but the core was that he was telling the television journalists that the next-of-kin regarded the matter as settled such that Tenji should be allowed to go on with life accepted by the world as he now were.
The essence is that Itsuki knew what Tenji wanted, and acted to see that he got it, in spite of Sena's belief that what Tenji was seeking was unjust to Tenji. In fact, even the trip to the newspaper was exactly to obstruct Sena, who would otherwise surely have gone to them on her own, demanding and
getting a correction.
Now, in the real world, one would expect such an arrangement to have a
corrosive effect on Sena. However, far more than most people consciously recognize, the theme of a man making a terrific sacrifice for the sake of a girl or for a woman is especially popular in fiction aimed at a female audience.