@JDSquare13 lol yesss thank you, I’ll always keep Haruhi on there because she’s best girl
@nuclearsushi That’s amazing, thanks for supporting the author! If you end up using this to “test” yourself by comparing your English translation with mine (I did this a lot to practice when I started with Japanese), you can totally message me if you have questions. There are definitely going to be some discrepancies with the literal translation, but I don’t mind explaining why I made those choices if you’re ever curious 🧐😊
@mangolover Lmao wait are you talking about the Tom Hanks movie 😂 omg
@cg_calico No offense taken, you’re absolutely right! Thanks for pointing it out 🧐
@4tywinks Ambiguously entertaining is a good way to put it, I agree 😝
@BXP Yup, I’m with you. It’s nice when the characters in manga have unique interests.
@BiyKe hahaha yay thank you 💕 I love trying to find the answers for stuff like that