Oh man, Akikazu. A little late for that, don't you think?

I trust that the guy Hana met is a good person, so I'd be fine if they don't end up together because it would honestly be kind of crummy if Hana leaves him for Akikazu, seeing as they're already in a commitment. Though knowing how the gag has been Hana always running into misfortune and Akikazu being there to make things a bit better for her, there's a chance this story might end the same way it began: she gets to Osaka and she catches the guy cheating. If it goes that way, at least Hana won't have to do something crummy. I do feel bad for Akikazu, though. I wonder if something happened to him for him to be
this shut off and awkward. I'm guessing there must be some emotional baggage from a previous relationship or something. Either way, I hope things end well for both of our protagonists, whether that means they end up together or they move on and find other people to make them happy.
As usual, thanks for the high quality translations! Love your work and hope things are going well for you, Garbage Gal! ♥️