Waaaaah. The stress is unreal. Here I was, hoping that we'd get to see them be a dumb couple for a few chapters before the series ends, perhaps like Sesame Shio to Purin, but alas... it doesn't look that way to me, unless the conflict is wrapped up immediately in the next chapter. Oh well, we know that they'll be together in the end, but still! Was hoping for some cotton candy fluff to rot my teeth with. Regardless, this was a good chapter and the confrontation proceeded smoothly and naturally! I appreciate how frank the two of our leads are, and that honesty is just refreshing. It appears to me that Akikazu is still holding himself back, so I can only hope that he's the one to reach out to Hanakawa for once, but given the set-up, I think it's more likely than not that Hanakawa will once again be the one to reach out. Not how I would personally choose to characterize my characters, but it checks out either way; I just think that Akikazu should show some growth, especially in this critical moment, given how it was set up, how he was asking around about wanting to live together with someone. Buuuuuut, once again, that's just me.
As always, thanks for the wonderful, wonderful work, Garbage Gal! You've really been cranking out these chapters as of late! Knowing that someone out there does quality work like this and enjoys themself makes me a little happier everyday and it fills me with motivation. Hope things are proceeding smoothly in your life!