What a disjointed manga. What even is the point of the 2nd girl anymore. It's like an editor wanted to make a love triangle with sisters and the mangaka agreed to the premise and then said fuck it and went all in on his favorite girl.
People thinking its gonna be either ranko or yuri who wins. Me an intellectual knowing its going down harem route😎. Authors gotta add more yuriko moments for that to happen tho.
Dude this manga is basically a ticking time bomb that only leads to destruction and a bad ending.
That’s what I thought when I read the synopsis and saw the cover image.
I still took a chance and read it anyways...
yeah I guess it was as expected, the twins both like him but he only likes one of the twins.
After reading up to chapter 14 I’ll say it straight up, any ending besides one where the mc ends up with Ranko(the twin with unrequited love) is gonna make this manga a flop for me...that’s it’s XD