manga are slowly beginning to get boring
It's your taste that slowly changing
only retards are able to appreciate the same shitty isekai with different chara design all over again.
Because those 'retards' (me included) are not only reading shitty generic isekai
Everday we read a healthy dose of manga, a plate of assorted kind of comedy/sport/shounen/tragedy/lovelove/fluffy/etc manga
But sometimes we crave junk
food manga
And because we seldom read those trash, we kinda... appreciate it
So you see... we're not actually retards because appreciating those same shitty generic isekai. We appreciate them because they are new unusul flavors.
(Note that everyone have different taste)
And sometimes, we find a shitty generic isekai trash that really really taste like surströmming, that only a few individuals able to eat it ^^!