Happy Holidays: Server Upgrades and Rule Updates

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Mar 10, 2018
@BestBoy - Yes but what, he deserve to be censored because you personally do not like him? is not a crime and he is not doing nothing bad to anyone, he share only their own emotions and concerns. You shouldn't be worried about someone you don't know and do not affect your life, is trivial. If you do not like what he wrote just block him and his works so you will never see him posting again and move on.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
@Nick86 Wasn't asking in reference to that. More your comment that:

While i agree with a lot of Rapeman statements regarding some issues in europe

I was curious if you were aware you agreed with an unabashed racist. Also, racism or hate speech are crimes in some countries so I wouldn't be so quick to say it's not a crime. I also don't believe racism "isn't doing anything bad to anyone." I think it does a lot of harm to the people it targets. Not just personal harm, but institutional harm in the vein of ostracizing them and demonizing them from the communities they're in.

Regardless, I don't have to worry too much about blocking them since their credit pages aren't allowed to have off topic political content in them anymore and I'm not likely to seek out any posts they make in the forum.
Mar 10, 2018
@BestBoy - Please stop with the "hate speech" ideology, make zero sense to critic someone just because he hate someone, hating is a normal human feel, you can't be serious when you use such words. I have my reasons to agree with some of his opinions because i live in a country where certain facts are a serious issue expecially regarding public order and the social aspect of certain politics.

You can't bash people lighty because you know nothing about their social status, how they live and the problems they face everyday.
If i use your logic, then even hentai, lolis or whatever creation can be harmfull and so can be restricted and censored, even if phisically they do not affect anyone. Yours are only fabrications without any concrete evidence.
Law is made to protect people not their moral or what they think, you just want criminalize thoughts, but thoughts crimes are just something that only a dictatorships or totalitarism regimes can do, not a democracy.
I see you like something like that, where only your own opinions matters and are rights, while everyone else who disagree is a hater, a racist that can harm others and so deserve to be ostracized and restricted.
Sorry, but i dont' want to live in your ideal world, is something simply disgusting.

ps: The admins still haven't decided yet, and they create this topic for this reason, to gather feedbacks, i support the idea to add more filters not to censor scanlator works.
But if they go with the easy full censorship route i will rethink my donations, because supporting censorship with my money is something against my beliefs and principles.

ps2: Is fun to see that the people who accuse others to "hate" (lol), they are exactly doing the same thing, hating. You can't suppress human emotions after all, only retards can use this as an excuse to limit other people free opinions.
Jan 19, 2018
Thank you for being such an unabashed member of the cancel culture, your train of thought is exactly why
I abhor this new rule as it only serves to give ammunition to people like you who seek not tolerance but
subversion. Please keep being how you are and once your turn comes to be silenced by another who gets offended
by your hateful speech remember it was people like you who caused this.
Sep 21, 2018
@BestBoy People value free scanlation more than morals it seems. If you look back, several people admitted that they either looked the other way even though they know the translator is a pos, didn't read any credits whatsoever, or actually thought the credits (Even the ones about NZ shooting) are funny and accurate.... I wish I was making this shit up but the words are there... So yeah you have it. Don't bother responding to those people because they would just throw the "Free speech" excuse at you over and over again :/
Group Leader
Apr 9, 2018
Moral relativism, my dude.
I enjoy all kind of jokes, including dark jokes, political jokes, racial jokes and other "sensitive" jokes etc. They're all great humor to me and you're trying to shut down my entertainment because?
Preaching moral must be one of the most annoying thing on Internet.
If you're going to preach your moral anyway, let me preach mine too and I suggest to ban all porn on this site, especially loli and homosexuality stuff because in my opinion, they're all extremely immoral and against my moral value.
Of course I don't seriously want to ban those since I know gays and pedophiles want their entertainment and I can tolerate their taste for liking stuff that I hate
Just trying to be devil's advocate, but you get what I'm trying to say (hopefully)
Double-page supporter
Jul 24, 2018
Isn't it interesting I mention and refer to manga scanlator end cards which this rule is about and you... bring up forum posts?
Lets look again at what I said
Clearly you don't understand. The "offensive" talk is allowed IF IT IS REMOTELY ON TOPIC.
While that technically applies to the forum posts, it also applies to the scanlator end cards - which at that time is exactly what I was actually talking about - scanlator end cards. And you'd know that if you read the original post correctly. That's what it is all about! That's the very reason they made this post. That is what they where trying to convey. I don't know any way to put it more simply.

You're right. Someone here has reading comprehension issues, and it ain't fucking me.
No, that someone really is you. You've failed to understand not only the OP, but my post as well. That's at least 2 reading failures in 1 thread. Perhaps you've misunderstood other posts as well. I'm now embarrassed for you.
Jan 19, 2018
Who are you to preach about morals? The very act of you being here is a violation of a moral standard because if you hadn't noticed you are on
an aggregator site for pirated content. You also insult people by belittling their reading comprehension insinuating that they are idiots. You even
have the gall to tell someone else to ignore the opposition as if their points aren't valid enough to warrant a discussion. Who the hell went and made you a saint?
Fed-Kun's army
Nov 18, 2018
It feels like the goal and statement of the debated rule aren't totally in accordance with each other.
What realy annoys me about those credit pages of rap*man is not the content of the credit page. I can look the other way and imediately forget about it, it's just one page after all. What I realy dislike is going to comment on a chapter and see an unrelated shitstorm instead of related comments. In this optic, I half agree with the rule. The purpose - avoiding shitstorms- is definitely good, but masquerading it as moderating offensive stuff for the greater good is strange. Do you realy need some pretense of morality to keep manga discussions on topic? Just rewrite as is: if a shitstorm happens, we will both delete the shitstorm and its cause.
Custom title
Jan 19, 2018
@sterven posted:

Who are you to preach about morals? The very act of you being here is a violation of a moral standard because if you hadn't noticed you are on an aggregator site for pirated content.
You know, you can't just make up a moral standard out of thin air and use it to accuse someone else of being hypocritical about their own standards.
Custom title
Jan 19, 2018
@Haikaka posted:

The purpose - avoiding shitstorms- is definitely good, but masquerading it as moderating offensive stuff for the greater good is strange. Do you realy need some pretense of morality to keep manga discussions on topic?
No, we don't, and there's no pretense of morality in the OP that I can see. The reason politics is singled out is because it causes the most work.
Double-page supporter
Jul 24, 2018
No, we don't, and there's no pretense of morality in the OP that I can see. The reason politics is singled out is because it causes the most work.
There is no room for practicality on our internet! This is an outrage!

Regarding work though, perhaps you should expand your moderation team if possible. I'm not volunteering because I don't have enough extra time for it and even less patience, but if you can find more people to divide the workload that could help. And perhaps some internal system to automatically decide which moderators get assigned a report based on attribute flags of the series... or something.

The purpose - avoiding shitstorms- is definitely good, but masquerading it as moderating offensive stuff for the greater good is strange. Do you really need some pretense of morality to keep manga discussions on topic?
I think you misunderstand a bit. The offensive stuff is still allowed in the scanlation pages if it is on topic. Call that a naturally derived shitstorm as a result of the chapter even if the scanlator is also fueling it. What they are no longer allowing is artificially creating off topic shitstorms (having nothing to do with the series/chapter ) for no reason beyond creating a shitstorm via scanlation pages. But the scanlator (like anyone else) can go create a shitstorm at will by making a forum post.

Consider this - you post your manifesto online (that you alone thinks is brilliant). No one is reading/sharing/discussing it. No one cares. After weeks of crying in your mother's basement you finally have an idea. You go to some popular concert with the intent of running on stage and delivering your manifesto to the people there. That's equivalent to what's been happening, only until now it was allowed. So then imagine security drags you off stage and you scream persecution/censorship/etc. They tell you that you can go preach all you want out front, but you don't get to stand on stage for it because people are here for the damn concert. Oh no that isn't good enough! Your persecution proves that you're correct all along.

It is basically like that, but scanlators can still deliver their manifesto if it is on-topic at least.
May 18, 2018
Good riddance to Rapeman.

I seen one of his TL notes on a manga and my first thought was "What does this garbage has to do with Himenospia?"

If Rapeman wants to sprout his racist garbage then he's free to do it on Twitter/Reddit/Stormfront or whatever other public platform he wants and is allowed to. I'm glad that MD decided to make a rule against injecting bigoted opinions just for the sake of drumming up controversy on a site that isn't political in itself or on manges with no political issues to discuss in it.

If you think that his freedom of opinion is being silenced or whatever dumb nonsense to excuse racism, then feel free to join Rapeman in whatever community he ends up in just keep that racist crap to your bubble instead of injecting it in the public domain just to troll and for attention.
Mar 10, 2018
I don't get why you care if Rapeman release here or in another aggregator, you will not follow hir works anyway so i don't get the "hate", it wont affect you even if he can continue to post his meme here since you have probably block him and follow completely different genre of manga.
I really do not understand some people, or better i understand some swj that are here for the sake of force their agenda over everyone, they want just try to take down political opinions against a certain left wing side by attacking the people and asking for bans, the same thing that is happening almost everywhere (reddit, twitter, fb, etc...), this politically correct ideology is very blatant in some post over here and honestly i'm sick to read this crap because admins are affected and pressured with this redundant whining.
Apr 26, 2019
Nice. But can you deal with the rise of bot accounts spamming links to dating scam site please?
Dec 24, 2018
Manga scanlators are artists. You'll find vast differences between groups. Some go slow but make everything look nice and make sense while keeping the translations true to the characters, while others post awful machine translations with word columns and terrible unedited scans. As with all art, people do it for different reasons: some try to turn their hobbies into cash, or to shine a light on an untranslated work, or even to express themselves when they can't normally. I'd rather have a comments page be about the manga scan by x group, because without reading the raws we only know it through the eyes and mouth of the group. I'd much rather let scanlators be up front about their reasons for translating rather than subversively forcing it into their works. If you don't like someone's art don't look at it lol.

I remember a post by @FireFish5000 from a few months ago:

What this is about is making a place where both readers and scanlators will WANT to come and will feel comfortable sharing their work.
If you do not care about what the scanlator thinks, go to literally ANY OTHER MANGA SITE.

The fact they care about the scanlator (who creates the content for the site) is what makes the site both diffrent and great. And, honestly, is the reason for the sites creation to begin with (we replace the old bato.to, which also respected the scanlators).

The site is actualy founded by scanlators/fansubbers, they made a place where they felt like they would want to upload their works, and believed other scanlators would feel the same as well.
From https://mangadex.org/thread/85584
May 18, 2018

If you want to have political talk, do it on Discord or a political related platform not in manga comment section on mangas that has nothing to do with politics. That's pretty simple to understand right? You don't see SJWs on manga comments talking about Trump this, Trump that out of the blue on random mangas so why do you think it's okay for someone like Rapeman to spew his toxic ideology on credits page of mangas that has zero to do with politics?
Apr 26, 2018
Just wait for a couple months for "offensive" mangas or authors to be banned under the excuse that they are immoral, generate too much chaos and/or trigger people with their offensiveness, probly also with the pretext that they derail the discussion of said mangas.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 20, 2018
@deleteTF @BestBoy
Congratulations, both of you are among the first to understand what the rule is all about, after 8 (EIGHT) pages lol

It's not about the content per se, but the amount of flames on the comment section it generates, now instead of comments about the chapter or the Manga itself it's all about the political content and the controversy around it
And people have a hard time understanding that, idk why
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