Yeah this has gone on too long. I'm hoping this manga will show that FMC is trying so hard to make this relationship work, that she is hurting herself. She's worried that if she states her opinion that he will break up with her. She's giving him too much power and let's him do whatever he wants. Of course I'm not blaming her for doing this, she's a teenage girl who is very new to romantic relationships.
I'm a little disappointed with the rival character as well. It looked like he learned his lesson and stopped pursuing FMC. I genuinely believe he is worried about her (although I don't know if he can technically be considered her friend???), but he has to ruin it in the end.
MMC (I feel so bad I keep forgetting their names) is clearly prioritizing other things and kind of forgetting what needs to be in a relationship. I don't fault him too much, he has a one track mind. So I think it is a good thing that the rival reminded him to think of FMC. Although, he really does need to put more work into the relationship, he kind of takes things for granted and relies on FMC's patience too much.
But right now is not the right time for the rival to hit on her. It makes his whole worrying about her seem like it's him taking advantage of a bad situation. I'm going to be optimistic and see it as bad timing instead.
Oh well we're almost done with this, let's see how it turns out I guess.