@TehSDragon , It's possible but I think that if the goddess could brainwash the classmates, it's more efficient for her to just directly dispose of MC without giving any "explanation" to justify her decision in the first place. Or, if she's so powerful, all the summoned people could be just brainwashed into loyal blind religious fanatics instead, but it needs a revenge story so it's probably that the goddess is only as powerful as a being that can be defeated by MC in the future I suppose.
@SunSun , Yes I get your point and I agree, which was kinda my point too. The classmates would be more realistic if most of them are shown as just standing by and not sure what to do without lending any help to MC, a few having monologues inside their mind showing that they are questioning the goddess's decision and attitude towards them, a few are scared of goddess and the unknown that they are willing to side with the goddess, and a few that just don't care about MC and want to experience the new world. However, most of the time many of the classmates trope are only designed like a single-layered one-dimensional selfish arrogant and borderline evil character who later on carries out criminal activities and get revenged by MC like a low level mob... In short, when authors make such characters I just think they don't intend to explore and develop those characters but to only motivate MC to get his revenge, in that case the authors could very well just set the story that MC + delinquents + class rep + a few average classmates then at least they each would have more screentime and significance as isekai'd people than just background. What our points about bystanders would be expressed better even with just a few more monologues from the classmates in the background like "What is going on?", "Why is the Goddess doing that? Are we all gonna be safe?", "Is this Goddess good or evil?", "Let's try not to get involved so that I'll be safe" etc. The majority response shown was only indifference instead, not exactly bystanding due to own safety concerns, like they are not even really thinking or worried about their position and safety. With goddess disposing one of them unreasonably and casually, twisting the truth to fits narrative, I'd say showing some strong anxiety, fear and pressure is more realistic.