Heroic Chronicles of the Three Continents - Vol. 2 Ch. 9 - The Winner and The Loser

Apr 8, 2019
"I've done nothing to help the country and got disinherited for raping a girl but I'm far more worthy to be emperor." What an idiot.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 6, 2019
i guess we're just gonna ignore the fact that he was raping and murdering his way through the entire peninsula and brought it to the brink of destruction with his retardation leading to mass starvation and a ruined economy and who knows how many deaths. no consequences at all...
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
This seems like such a 180 on the merc leader's personality. He seemed to be an asshole murdering and pillaging. He was shown to be an abusive ruler. Who can say he wouldn't one day decide he doesn't care about his men? Or if he does try to pull a coup, I would assume one of the first things he would do along with securing key positions around the country would be to send people to save the hostages. Unless the MC enslaves the hostages and makes it so they die when he does or some BS like that, there would still be some way that merc leader's betrayal could succeed.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 13, 2019
He SO did not deserve the "redemption" he got when he's such a scumabg. Yeah there were talks of a "collar" and such but at the end of the day he will have a high ranking position and a massive ammount of influence. This seemed very forced and i really didn't like that his head didn't roll for how an unlikable character he was.

Big sigh.
Mar 27, 2019
Dropped, dude as an emperor you need to love your people and not forgive the one who made your people suffer japanese MC's as always soft to the core.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 4, 2019
@Doomer To be fair, I doubt executing him in this case would have done much. He is a warrior, and a threat of death is likely not that much of a matter to him. While his death might relieve some of the resentment and anger of the populace, it is his being alive that would benefit the kingdom more. Kinda like a necessary evil I suppose, at least at this point in time.

But I agree that he does need some suitable punishment. I don’t know if his current situation can be counted as one. That remains to be seen. He didn’t get off Scot-free though, as his beloved raised mercs are pretty much taken hostages by the emperor at this point (at least that is what I think the emperor implied). He would always be kept on a tight leash in the foreseeable future. He would lose his freedom to act, which seems important to him.

One way I could think that would make him squirm though is to execute his raised mercs one by one, every last one of them, in front of his eyes. I was about to add that they could also be told that their death is on their leader’s stupid head to break them beforehand, but it could also backfire.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 16, 2020
Even if he's put under a spell to prevent him from killing his master, this is a pretty stupid sentiment.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 24, 2019
Yeah, I do agree that he seems to take a 180 when talking about his treatment of his soldiers. It's clear that he doesn't care that much about his mercenaries (aside for his personal gain), and I kinda doubt he is loved by the citizen army. I still think he's competent, and should be kept alive if possible as long as he can be used. Possible rebellion and threat of foreign invasion are still a big problem after all.

I really wonder how older brother will even try to rebel though. The noblemen seem to like Hercule, so... maybe he will asks foreign help? ....nah, no way he's that stupid, right?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
well this was a fairly interesting chapter but with the idiot prince to have his time now and how is the moron in denial, my faith for his arc is really low.
we all know prince is gonna lose, the only ones that will support him are gonna be the dirty nobles, even go more cliche and go for MC's lover.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2019
@Doomer Here is the thing, not only is this man useful... but the nation needs someone like him...

If you are useful and necessary, a nation would have to accept you if they have a method of controlling you (and the MC does).

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