@Lilliwyt I will give you the MC
was pretty bland which is the sad fate of a good share of Japanese media making protagonists more of self-insert fodder, but Kei was just straight up
unpleasant. All she ever did was bitch and moan about one thing or another (except to Himari), and had that tsundere heroine thing going towards the protag until the truth comes out, and then you realize she's just a jealously possessive little nightmare that got a lot of screen time and no payoff.
The amount of attention she got in the series for her ultimate outcome seems really weird. Were they trying to play up the possibility Himari might fall for her? Cause I didn't buy it for a moment. There was literally zero development on that front all the way until the end. Actually taking a bath with Himari when you're totes wanting to tap that was pretty cringey too. I guess that's just a totally harmless benefit of swinging that way?
As I said before, I typically love yuri subplots and often find myself rooting for them (was it really even a subplot in this story? It seemed to become
the plot). But Kei did herself literally zero favors marketing herself to anyone inside and outside of the story. Do I feel bad for her? Sure. If she were real, she's probably pretty confused and doesn't know how to express what's going on in her head. But that doesn't mean she gets an automatic pass.