Himari no Mawari - Vol. 3 Ch. 19 - Haruki's Feelings

Dex-chan lover
Apr 6, 2019
@Lilliwyt Kei is rude, possessive and unpleasant every time she's the focus which is unfortunately a lot. Because this manga was never particularly about the MMC or the FMC, it was about Kei.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
@Lilliwyt Those are not separate issues. The MC is a bland jerkass and his relationship with Himari is barely developed but that wouldn't be an issue if the author focused on fixing that instead of wasting chapter after chapter on Kei's pointless crush and turning her into a pseudo-MC.

Author had the wrong priorities.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 30, 2018
@lilliwyt -Quit acting like her being a lesbian is the biggest problem people have with her, just to justify yourself. Go read ANY manga/LN/watch an anime with a character like Kei, almost no one likes them, regardless of whether they are gay, straight, female or male. They fucking suck and have no reason to exist in these stories other than to piss the reader off/ be used as a comedy routine.

Seriously, how many girls have slapped a male mc, said and did dumb shit, and how many people say something good about it? I'd argue less than 5% if that. It's extremely common, and extremely annoying. Her being a lesbian, treating the guy like shit all while salivating over Himari is just the icing on the cake. I'd take a bland and boring character any day over a character only meant to incite drama and piss off the readers.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 1, 2019
@Lilliwyt I will give you the MC was pretty bland which is the sad fate of a good share of Japanese media making protagonists more of self-insert fodder, but Kei was just straight up unpleasant. All she ever did was bitch and moan about one thing or another (except to Himari), and had that tsundere heroine thing going towards the protag until the truth comes out, and then you realize she's just a jealously possessive little nightmare that got a lot of screen time and no payoff.

The amount of attention she got in the series for her ultimate outcome seems really weird. Were they trying to play up the possibility Himari might fall for her? Cause I didn't buy it for a moment. There was literally zero development on that front all the way until the end. Actually taking a bath with Himari when you're totes wanting to tap that was pretty cringey too. I guess that's just a totally harmless benefit of swinging that way?

As I said before, I typically love yuri subplots and often find myself rooting for them (was it really even a subplot in this story? It seemed to become the plot). But Kei did herself literally zero favors marketing herself to anyone inside and outside of the story. Do I feel bad for her? Sure. If she were real, she's probably pretty confused and doesn't know how to express what's going on in her head. But that doesn't mean she gets an automatic pass.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 18, 2018
So it wasn't only people commenting here who though this series was bad, judging by the axe. I hope the next chapter will be a time skip with Haruki with an harem and Kei forever alone.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 31, 2019
Work better than expected to call out people. That's said i didn't had time to expand myself on the last comment because i had something to do. I have problems with Kei too but not in the same direction, as a yuri fan I don't like when a lesbian character is portayed as "i hate boys" because it feel less like she is lesbian because she like girls but more because she hate boys, making the fact that she is a lesbian by default more than a choice. She has too much focus ? That's the thing, it was probably because it was her arc and the arc of development fro the brother was coming next. Did i have proofs to that ? No but neither you can prove me wrong. I won't learn you all that manga are written by arcs so yeah she was the focus but maybe because it was suposs to be her arc and last chapter was the conclusion of it and right after, we would started the focus on the bro.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
@Lilliwyt My point stands, having an arc focused on a secondary character's lesbian crush before the one that would develop the main premise is beyond stupid, specially when the story is barely getting on its feet and you don't have a loyal audience yet.

This kind of stuff should have taken place like 40 more chapters into the story, when the audience got enough of the main premise to be open to not-so-relevant arcs like this one. Even then I doubt it would have worked because, as other people pointed out, Kei is an awful character to put on the focus (and no, it's not because she is a lesbian, though I do recognize I wasn't too fond of her lusting on the ultra-pure and innocent FMC).
Dex-chan lover
Jan 23, 2018
People pointed out again and again the problem they had with Kei, she was a secondary character that had a unusual focus as she brought nothing to the story besides being aggressive towards the male character. She is not Tomoyo from Cardcaptor Sakura
Dex-chan lover
Jan 31, 2019
Then again, the character in itself has done nothing wrong. It's just how the author write her. In the end the characters are fictionals and just made by the author so you can take your anger on a character but it isn't technically her fault. Neither do we know that manga sell poorly because of her, because i mean, it's probably because it doesn't sell well that it got axed.
Dec 31, 2019
Just face the fact that Kei is the sole reason that this manga went downhill, and this latest chapter proven to be the best and wholesome if it didn't have any necessary subplot drama.

Kei is annoying, selfish, rude and unpleasant to see and top all that with Kei had a thing to Himari and lusting her over and over again like she didn't have any other things to do is just simply stretched and forced, the Author probably want to spice up some things with Yuri fan-service to pleases the fanbase but he ended up going ham and inconsistent.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 31, 2019

Edit : Whatever, i don't feel like i want to continue this any longer. It will just be an endless loop and won't go anywhere anyway so i leave it at that.
May 26, 2018
I mean the MC is pretty bland too but we're used to having them in romance stories to leave room for character growth, but adding a mad lesbian who keeps stealing focus from the main characters/story while contributing nothing? Of course it's gonna flop. It's a shame because the art is pretty good and the author seems capable of writing a decent romance story but it got ruined because of a single element put into the series that I think nobody asked for. It's like making a mecha manga and have them practice swimming at the pool every third chapter, so annoying.
Dex-chan lover
May 10, 2018
Chapter was shit. I don't even know what the author is thinking. 🤮
Dex-chan lover
May 31, 2018
I do hope that after this flop, the author takes a good long look at the series and gets the correct conclusion of where the story went all shit, with Kei of course.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 30, 2018
Thank you translators for working to this point. Development aside, at least I have (some sort of) closure to the series rather than having it dropped entirely and leave me wondering forever how it ends. For that I'm grateful.

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