@edgarsc19: I had to look up what netori (I didn't know there were words for other combinations/perspectives) is, but from the first result I found, I'd definitely have to agree with you. It seems slightly different than NTR from the chad's perspective, though, since usually the girl is in on it. The description I found (The protagonist forces a love interest who is already in a relationship with a third party into a physical relationship, and the love interest comes to like it over time, thus either cheating or breaking up with their original partner.) makes it seem less like it's just infidelity and more kinda... sexual assault-y...
I don't enjoy NTR, or this manga, I was just curious what people were saying in the comments because of the exceptionally low score compared to this author's other manga (which I think are all too highly rated on this site), but yeah, what you said definitely makes sense.