The wonders of talking things through instead of staying quiet and overcomplicating the situation.This could have ended so badly for both of them. But I'm so happy they managed to patch things up and have them being so open and understanding with each other.
Get rekt majority of shoujo romance mangaThe wonders of talking things through instead of staying quiet and overcomplicating the situation.
Girl says A, boy does B, girl is happy
maybe it'd be better if they had older sisters. if not more moms just making their sons buy them pads going through the aisle so they just treat it as any other thing to pick up unless you pick something wrongPoor boy - it's already tough enough to deal with your own puberty, but to also deal with a girl's puberty... and dealing with sanitary napkins and bras, two things no pubescent boy would ever be caught dead dealing with.
I know that Hina can't really help it since she barely understands her changes herself, but I think everyone around her would like it if she can stop sending out all these confusing messages for everyone else, most of all Daichi.
Bro don't. Just enjoy the manga please.Ahh, youth...