S. M. Stirling's Draka is the first thing that occurs to me while reading this: Nobles are around 7% of the population, and the unfortunate need for Drakan society to extract total obedience and servility from the serf-humans means that Keirueurikero must put the noble need to become the Nietzchean Hyperanthropos, that intelligence as far beyond us as we are the apes, to the back of his mind. Yet, the serf-humans, themselves conditioned to instinctively comprehend the natural order of things, that Strength must rule over Weakness, must too put aside the mores of correct and proper morality and ethical Truth and instead allow the trappings of class and caste to not bind but allow for beautiful interlocution betwixt the Race and the Servii. After all, was it not Drakon Commandant-General Galgotha who said, "The Race is triumphant, and beauty is an end all in itself"? This exchange serves serf-man's atavistic desire to be of use, and it further's the noble goal of Nobility to become the Superman. Ah, what sweet sorrow, that conflict between station and social instinct! They'll all be gassed in the end anyway, so why not talk with them?
My friends, I forward this review of Draka for your perusal: