His Majesty's Proposal - Ch. 5

Jun 3, 2020
I usually hate dumb/weak female charaters. They always cry when they can't handle their own problems. But I find this refreshing cause I'm kinda bored of badass females 😅😅

Thank you for the translation.
Aug 15, 2020
@BloodRain to be honest I think the MC isn't presented as weak per se. But it makes sense with her past life being criticized and this life not having a high ranking.
So the author doesn't really present the MC as a weak character in my opinion just someone with limited power. Since her power is so limited she gets frustrated and that makes her want to cry.

At least that's how I see it. She did slap that girl so she definetely isn't weak.

That's probably the reason you don't hate the character. (P.S. I also dislike weak MC but don't think this is the case.)
May 26, 2020
I cant wait to see their faces! 🤣🤣🤣 My man just on time! 💕 Thank you so much for the update!
Mar 26, 2019
I cannot wait for the next chapter. I hope that fox get another slap in the face. Vat just in time to rescue your lady.

Thank you!
Aug 26, 2020
When trying to ruin someone by exposing a supposed lie of their, common sense would have you either check if truth is on your side or if there is no one to call you out. I mean, she could have sent a letter to the emperor like "there is someone claiming to be your fiancée"; If that was indeed a lie then she still got her revenge, and in the off chance it's true then she doesn't risk anything. Nope, she had to try to humiliate Penelope as much as possible, even if it meant risking to have her reputation yeeted into oblivion. It's both frustrating and hilarous when a crafty antagonist has their plan fall apart in seconds because they didn't bother removing the most obvious uncesserary risk in it.

@duskyloltun I'm of the same opinion. I mean, what is she supposed to do here? What can she do here? She can't use the emperor's fiancée thing because she believe to be a lie too and she is in a position that her cheeky retort won't get her out of. She can't do anything and she is stuck listening to the crowd reopening her old wounds and making her miserable, no shit she would cry.
Nov 3, 2019
She was invited, it was suspicious, went anyway because she wanted to see what they'll do, got criticized yet all she did was stand there crying?

Should've prepared for something of that level tho
Aggregator gang
Aug 12, 2020
Did Countess Gordon and her goons choreograph their entrance poses?
Group Leader
Jun 12, 2020
I’m surprised that made her cry. If you can dole out publix humiliation, you should be able to take it, too.

Cliffhangers like this should be illegal
Jun 3, 2020
How is it that:
1. He doesn't use his hair/eye disguise magic when going to a costume party (when it seems like silver hair is recognisable as him)
2. Literally every one else knows what the emperor looks like and she doesn't
3. She's lived and entire 73 years + 20 something and still has the self control of a 5 year old?

What forced storytelling???

Also, there's a word for non-consensual sex where one party is drunk and the other is sober.............. And it's not a very romantic word /:

Thanks for the translation though!!
Dex-chan lover
Jul 9, 2019
Again, I am happy that she is trying to improve. But if your children abandon you because of how verbally abusive you are, you are officially trash in my books.

I am not saying I dislike her or anything (atl not terribly much). It is a new life, a new start to try to be better than what she was before. Make up for her past ill. I am happy she is trying to improve, that is the first step.

Again, her children ceased contact with her because of her abuse. That is not because she is boo hoo misunderstood, that is because she was a shitty person. She knows this fact, which is why she is working so hard to be better, which, again, I applaud.
Oct 12, 2020
The start was iffy, the villain schemes are pathetic, as someone else already pointed out, it would've been ridiculously easy to check if the "fiancé" thing was a lie, which would also made much more sense, as false claims towards the royal family members easily classify as slander and can be stretched as far as treason, so...it would've been much more effective in destroying a "delusional fool".

(this is also why I can't stand all those storylines where the villainess is like "he's mine" without being anything official, and the Emperor/princes just sitting there instead of taking the bitch to court and ruining her as warning and example for all other fanciful idiots)

I guess the FL is sheltered? Although, how she could be that, when she's obviously been into society enough to know how it works...her not knowing the Emperor is such a stretch...

Also, her having no backup plan when she obviously expected something bad to happen only for there to need saving by the ML is such an insult to everyone's intelligence, that I can't even begin to explain how ridiculous it is.

Same for her reacting like a 12 yo when she's supposedly an old woman on the inside, Jesus I'm not even past my thirties and I would never crumble as badly as her, while I would've definitely reacted like that as a teen. But as an adult woman, bitch I would've laughed in her face and asked her how she could be so sure and whether she had even verified if it was true because - read my first paragraph-.

All in all, this is kind of very silly bordering on terrible 😒

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