His Majesty's Proposal - Ch. 5

Jun 4, 2020
@CapableCivet She never loved her ex-fiance so no, she was never nasty or rude to either of them but you cant expect her to be loving to someone she doesnt really love??? I dont think she has much of choose if she wanted to say no to him or not. People would just spread rumors how she turned him down and blahblahblha he loves her so much blahblhablbah shes a terrible person. He proposed to her not the other way around. When he asked to break up because he felling in love with someone else she even was like "ok thats fine."Then asks all surprised she says yes! Like hes hoping shell cry and beg him not to leave. HES THE ONE WHO GOT MARRIED WITHIN LIKE A FEW DAYS OF BREAKING IT OFF. Then the countess came into the shop and started cutting into her age and how shes married and look how great i am.

As for her past life again, we dont have enough back story to say its all her fault. Im betting theres much more there than we see. Specially since all those remarks in the last chapter were from other people and how she reacted during the party. Looks to me like shes used to people getting the wrong idea or believing petty rumors and knows its no use to try to explain yourself when people already have their own opinion
Jan 20, 2021
Okay, those people from her past life are bitches. It’s none of your damn business, and maybe she’s sharp tongued after being abandoned by those who should love her.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 25, 2019
man that's... disappointing. why did she even go then??? ugh??? :/ i thought she'd be more... badass

thanks for the update
May 23, 2019
Okay the sudden change to "badass who bad-mouths everyone" to "defenseless lady" was disappointing.

Anyway... Y'all, let's make a petition for the artist to change the Emperor hair and eyes color to black and blue, shall we?
Jun 3, 2020
@Eclairius 1. It's one thing for a lower ranked Noble to be wearing Clark Kent-style disguise, another for the emperor with actual access to disguise magic to not be doing the same thing. The emperor surely has more of a reputation to uphold, and by the friend's reaction, sleeping around isn't exactly a great thing.
2. it's not like the author could have written dialogue for the entire crowd. Also, when her friend first found out the man had silver hair she immediately thought of the emperor only to dismiss it because of how ridiculous it was - which means Silver hair is characteristic of him (also no other character has it so far)
3. Convenient for you think I meant the latter. No, I meant the entirety of her actions so far. From the way she dealt with the harsh treatment of the old woman (by slapping someone??) to her decision to attend the party despite knowing that something horrible would be waiting for her and not having any sort of plan. Maybe the latter is naive instead of childish, but either way it's not befitting of someone who has lived so long.

I get that some exaggeration is expected in comics, but this goes beyond into the realm of Plainly Bad Writing.

It seems like I'm not the only one with issues against her character. That said, I hope you enjoy reading the rest of this series.
Aug 26, 2020
@yannickq Don’t misunderstand, I’ve some serious issue with the story, to the point I will be dropping it soon ; but I don’t necessarily agree with the all criticism raised at it.
1. My point was that this could be said of anyone of high status intending. In fact, a complete unknown showing would have probably been suspicious. I do agree that the emperor doing what he did under those circumstances was ridiculous.
2. Of course an author can’t write the whole crowd, but you can’t pretend 2 people are a representative sample; 4 or 5 would have been way better and within the bound of possible. Rubia is also in a position (earl’s or count’s daughter, don’t remember ) that would be way more likely to know the emperor looks, and the FL has a personality that would make her uninterested in this kind of info.
3. How was I supposed to know? Also, those two event are not all her interactions so far, calling it her whole behavior is disingenuous.
The former falls within my original argument and the latter is straight up terrible contrived writing.
However I do take issue with your statement regarding her behavior relative to her age, aging doesn’t necessarily make one better tempered; Heck, it can go the other way too. And it’s been shown that she has been working on that part of her, so it isn’t like she isn’t trying to better herself.
Jul 29, 2019
A big guy came to the rescue...
I cant learn from her. Everyone can talk about all that pretty things and whatever their mouth spew but if that person cant even shut their enemy's mouth down (without anyone's help), its useless. (Thats how important a strategy was)
So far its boring, i'm more interested in rubia and her brother
Aug 28, 2020
hmmm...I like the fl and ml but theres something that bothers me and i cant put my finger on it. its amusing but idk if the fl will grow (shes an old lady inside and behaves a bit...childish?) I'll keep reading, hoping that theres more development though 😅
thank you for the transaltions!
Dex-chan lover
Jun 10, 2020
Can we get more of ferion and rubia because they have me cackling
Dex-chan lover
Oct 24, 2018
She said she knew it was a trap but she had to go and that was her plan? Just cry and be humiliated?
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 19, 2019
I thought she was gonna be a unique protagonist. I hoped her older age would make her mature. But I guess she's just the same old crybaby MC who needs to be saved by a white in shining armor that we see in just about every romance manhwa. I don't know why I even expected anything...
May 8, 2020
She's kinda stupid, went to war without weapon, jus waiting for someone to save her..and then she didn't realize that vat was the emperor? I thought she did? It was kinda obvious with what Vat to her

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