Novelupdates link is under information on the main page. It's translated up to chapter 80 of 1200 right now, but the WN is slower and is midway through escaping the previous labyrinth with skelly-prez. It's going a chapter a layer, basically, plus the WN spends more time on the girls/girl meetings and interactions like that.
Translation group does about 2 or 3 chapters a week (they do a ton of projects and do donation incentive stuff, so it varies).
Picking up the item you need to conquer a dungeon right outside that dungeon. How convenient.... and boring. Oh well, it's not I ever expect any amount of tension from an isekai or from manga in general for that matter.
@LordPants you mean chapter 80 of 2018+ (since WN keep getting new chapters pretty much every day)
In the WN this part should be around 110 iirc, but if someone want to read from the source, it should be the LN instead, since manga is following that instead somewhat (but the LN is not in english anyway)