Honzuki no Gekokujou ~Shisho ni Naru Tame ni wa Shudan wo Erandeiraremasen~ Dai 1-bu 「Hon ga Nai nara Tsukureba Ii!」 - Vol. 7 Ch. 30 - A Contract wit…

Dex-chan lover
May 3, 2019
You know Lutz there's no such thing as age of consent in your time 😏
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
That's not "cause and effect" that's a "chain of events", they are very close but different things.
Cause and effect would be a situation of doing something and that something having an unexpected result, example would be if the MC magic got out of control one day and that made some noble family force her to live with them.
Chain of events is when something is done that leads to something else being possible. As happened in the story she helped Otto that saw her potential and when she needed help she could ask Otto for it as he had got a liking to her. Help Otto->Otto sees her potential-> Otto wants to help the MC-> The MC asks for help->Otto presents the MC to Benno. For this to be a "cause and consequence" she would have to had done something without the objective to get Benno's attention and end up having the consequence of the action forcing her to deal with Benno. The Lutz thing with the consuming is also not "cause and effect" it is just a character moment as there is no "cause" for it to happen and the reason for it is that Lutz got a fancy for the MC when they first met and wanted to help her, it has nothing to do with the consuming and just helped in that instance for coincidence.
What you talk about magic has nothing to do with what I was talking about magic, in no moment I said she was OP with it nor that she has anything especial about her. All I said was about what the story has shown so far and what possibilities it opens and how what was shown about the magic system of the world contradicts what the characters say about it. The MC does not have to be OP to do for her own volition something she is already able to do without wanting to do it.

In the end I know this whole thing is useless because you have shown multiple times to have no understanding of literature and to be a "fan" of this work incapable of admitting to it's flaws and shortcomings.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 24, 2018
>example would be if the MC magic got out of control one day and that made some noble family force her to live with them.

Literally happen in 2nd arc (not out of control magic , but close enough), so there you go.

>For this to be a "cause and consequence" she would have to had done something without the objective to get Benno's attention and end up having the consequence of the action forcing her to deal with Benno.

Like the shampoo? Because she sure as hell only made it for herself initially.

Thanks for making my points.
Also I like how you ignored my point on Turi's hairpin which is also exactly the thing you describe as cause and effect.

> All I said was about what the story has shown so far and what possibilities it opens and how what was shown about the magic system of the world contradicts what the characters say about it

Except this 'possibilities' is all your speculations, and 'what was shown about the magic system' is ONLY about Consuming, not the actual magic systems (which is there even if not mentioned, like the quick mention on the town's barrier that prevent monsters from coming in? that's magic)

And I'm saying your speculations are wrong, as someone who actually have read the WN.

Like, do clarify how would she be able to control magic once outside her body? How would she change its properties? With in-series explanation and not some bullshit you come up with btw.

>In the end I know this whole thing is useless because you have shown multiple times to have no understanding of literature and to be a "fan" of this work incapable of admitting to it's flaws and shortcomings.

And you seem incapable of admitting your speculation is wrong in the face of evidence from the future.

Also have you heard this thing called suspension of disbelief? I'd like to think of it as the ability to enjoy a series as is without projecting some kind of standards you have onto it.
Active member
Jan 14, 2019
Damn, bittersweet reality. Though its a manga so we know her story isnt ending any time soon c:
Active member
Mar 20, 2019
Honestly, my main problem with Myne right now is that she just... doesn't realize how important she is. Knowledge is power, and she knows far more than practically everyone here, aside from unique in-setting elements. She has all that power, but doesn't wield it. She's even practically given up on her one goal of becoming a librarian, seemingly content to be consumed without doing anything to fulfill her dream aside from introducing paper to Europe much earlier than normal. If she desired it, truly desired it, then she would do whatever was necessary to achieve her dream, damn the consuming, damn the nobles, damn it all. The knowledge she has could fetch a great bargain to the right parties, as demonstrated in this very chapter. She could progressively sell those secrets, gaining enough money to purchase the mana absorption thingies while simultaneously elevating society to make it possible for her to become a librarian.

Alternatively, she could make the contract. Become a noble's wife, but leverage her knowledge to have a favorable deal, and probably become the dominant partner, so to speak. She probably could take her family with her too, if she leveraged what she had well enough. From that position of power, she could wield her knowledge far more effectively, guiding society in the right direction, while opening up the possibility to, of course, read more books.

With great power comes great responsibility, yet she is shirking the responsibility to massively improve the standard of living in what amount to the Dark Ages. Apathy is Death, and she has given up on her future, and become apathetic. She's practically dead already, and I think Frida can see that too.

Frida, despite the whole "loves money as much as Myne loves books" thing, legitimately cares for her friend. She's anguished at the way Myne is taking this, and it shows in her face. How would you feel if a dear friend decided to just... give up on life, even when there were ways to live for decades more? Probably bad enough to react the way Frida is.

tl;dr: Myne is a fool for giving up on everything she can do, and Frida is hurt by that.
Oct 29, 2018
I see what you mean, but at this point, she knows she'll die in around a year. She's well aware of all the knowledge she possesses, b/c of this, she's being extremely careful with the way she distributes it. Especially since she's taking a business stance on the whole ordeal. And it's not like she can over-exert herself creating things, as we've seen from very early chapters in this manga.

You talk of leveraging with nobles but so far she hasn't had the chance to properly interact with them, so we can't judge how she'll approach the situation yet.

As for the whole Frida thing, Myne's options are pretty shit. The way for her to continue living 'for decades more' as you say, is to become a noble's slave and get separated from her family. She simply decided she'd rather stay with her fam, which I completely understand.

Overall, I think Myne is being very realistic, which really describes her personality to a T. She understands things at face value and doesn't try to sugar coat her circumstances with 'what ifs'.
This is honetsly what makes this isekai stand out from the rest, which I love.
Oct 24, 2018

I can understand where you are coming from, but two things stand out to me:
The first is she simply doesn't have the time and health to create things, prove their ability, and sell them off in a quantity to keep purchasing the mana items over and over again. The manga has been pretty clear that she probably couldn't out pace the costs this way. Benno and Frida's....grandfather?...father? which is he again?....have been pretty forthcoming about that.

The second; once she's sold off to a noble she doesn't have a position of power. Magical contracts would probably make it impossible to exert any control over the situation by withholding ideas. Cause the action of doing that would set off the contract. Once she's a slave to the nobles she doesn't have an out. The only reason they'd indenture her to themselves is for her ideas so the contract would probably cover disclosure of all ideas.
Oct 24, 2018
Does she though?

The nobles lose nothing if they refuse.
She dies if they refuse. Which just because she is resigned to do is only not losing something in the most nihilistic sense.

She's the only one that has a thing she needs in the negotiation. The party that needs something usually has less power in negotiations than the party that just kinda wants something.
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 5, 2018
the nobles lose any profit they could have had. like, obviously "all of the leverage" is an exaggeration, but now she's just kyssing herself before anyone even had the hypothetical chance to mistreat her.
Power Uploader
Jan 18, 2018
@sinisempi We're looking at the situation between "need" and "want" here. Obviously Myne is on the lower end because she desperately NEED to survive whereas the nobles surely WANT the potential profits, but even so they lose nothing if they don't agree to the deal, whereas Myne'll die if she can't get a contract. In the end if she does die, no one's going to get anything from her so the nobles won't have to worry about competitions or something.
Group Leader
Jun 12, 2019
So many people arguing in the comments and I'm just here to gush about how cute Lutz and Myne are. Grow up soon, Lutz, so Myne can realize what a good man she's got. <3 <3 <3
Double-page supporter
Jan 21, 2018
And people wonder our grands use to have many siblings and many dont live long either
May 26, 2018
Hey a little warning if you still have not seen the anime. Do not see it before you are done with the manga in the first episode you find info from chapter 30
Jul 1, 2019
dont worry little girl since you're the protagonist of this manga thy plot armor so thick that even thanos snap cant do damn thing about it.

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