I never really looked into it but now I'm starting to wonder, does anyone know who owns the ip rights to comics put out by ylab and naver because they're doing this whole shared universe thing called (super string) does that make them like Marvel/DC? If so, are they the ip holders of the series and the artists/authors don't own shit? Because that's something I really don't like about most of the western superhero comic book industry. I was under the impression that the authors still held the intellectual property rights of their work so wouldn't setting something like super string up be a bit of a minefield if there happens to be a dispute among creators?
Also how does this manhwa take place in 197X and something like revivalman(202X)/terrorman(201X) takes place only like 40-50 years later and somehow something as serious as a zombie plague isn't even mentioned or acknowledged? What were they thinking putting all these series together in a shared universe written by multiple people and frankenstitched together.