Are people alergic to TALKING?
Everywhere I go, every romance manga/book I read, every time, it is all the exact same problem: people can't talk. For some reason or another, people just don't talk, what could be solved by using 5 words turns into a cataclysmic event that ends in either bad blood or disapointment, or worse... I honestly don't get it. Am I just too dumb to understand these reasons why people WON'T FREAKING TALK???
I can understand you being depressed and not wanting anyone to know, I get it, I really do, and I understand everyone needs at least a bit of privacy, to keep some secrets hidden and stuff, but this is not that, and this is hella stupid.
I started reading this because it was interesting, now it's becoming boring, I can't handle this teenager angsty crysis because of talking alergies, it's not fun to read... Here's hoping, really really really hoping, that this changes soon.