How do you guys make friends?

Sep 2, 2020
I go out for walks nearly every day. It's good for exercise and for clearing my mind. While walking (indoors now through our downtown walkway system due to the cold and snow, which is currently pretty empty because of COVID shut-down), I try to give a short nod and/or wave and say "Hi" to most people I catch looking at me as I pass by, especially if they're security or custodial staff. I'll also stop to offer help when someone looks like they're lost or looking for a nearby business. And, there are a few shop workers that I give a wave to as I walk by their business. I mostly do all of this so that people will feel more comfortable with me, as people seem to feel nervous when they first see me.

There are almost a dozen regulars now who will say "Hi" to me and exchange a brief acknowledgement without breaking stride whenever they see me. I'm sure, if I wanted to, I could probably stop to chat more with them and maybe gain a few friends or friendly acquaintances.

For reference, I'm a short, not good-looking, ratty clothing-wearing, introverted guy who wears a mask covering the bottom of his face (because of COVID), but, even still, some people will respond positively to friendly gestures (maybe not everyone, but some). Just don't be too pushy, or you may give off a creepy vibe.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 24, 2019
Find some people who has the same hobby and start talking to him about stuffs. In the internet, this is usually games, manga, or anime. In real life the subject could be a lot more since there's no restriction (like, if you met in games it's usually about games or manga sites about manga), but talking directly and typing is a completely different level of challenge. Then again, if there's a crowd instead of one on one with someone that barely knew each other, it shouldn't be that hard.

@YumGumYum Is that real or is it just a joke?
Dex-chan lover
Mar 15, 2019
Through diplomacy,
or forced vassalization,
all will bow to you.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 10, 2019
Was that an offer?😁 if so your search has ended

But seriously
Take your time. Rome wasn't built in a day that also applies with solid relationships.
Just talk to people. start off casually not too forcefully. over eagerness can put people off.
Even if you part not having a conversation at least leave them with a name and a sincere complement that comes with a smile. (ask for theirs too so when you meet again you may greet them by name )
Tell them about yourself. Transparency is good. Be the first to bring down a wall so they can to.
Sincerity is some thing can sense but still try to smile from the heart.

Caution results may vary
I'm great at introductions and that first month or two but I suck at holding on to relationships. I always get caught up in my self and loose touch.
Group Leader
Apr 28, 2019
I don't have friends. I think that relying on other people to not feel lonely is a wrong approach entirely. Friends should be something that enchances life, not something you desperately depend on or else you feel sad and lonely. Nevertheless, if you feel alone, maybe try spending more time with your family? Sure, you won't be able to crack anime jokes at them, but if they are good people it can be therapeutic to hang out with them. Also, as somebody who spent years hanging out online and pursuing friendships in the Internet space I can say that it has not been worth it for me much, though your mileage might vary.
Jul 12, 2019
A friend is a man of culture where he understands your interest and appreciation towards the “mass” of a woman, but I don’t have that so called “friend.”
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 15, 2019
All you need is some rope, duct tape, a rag and a bottle of chloroform and you can make all the friends you want provided you have a house for your new friends.
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 12, 2018
Friends will help you move. Great Friends will help you abduct more friends. True friends will help you move the bodies.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 12, 2018
This happened in freshman college
Guy Senior: "Oh, so both of you are in the same major? you should try talking to each other"
Girl Senior: "You two should totally try to talk, this guy watches anime"
Guy Senior: "Oh, what a coincidence, this guy watch anime too. Perfect"

Me: "Oh, you also like anime? Me too. Do you know how to get eroge by any chance?"
Friend: "Heck yeah I do"
then we talked like geeks/otakus

And that's how I got a friend in college

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