I, a Commoner, Was Actually Reincarnated

Apr 29, 2020
At this point only the first chapter that's scanlated. I'd say this manga have a pretty good start.

I give 9/10 for now
May 17, 2019
@tiffanq , @Krackers
please don't forget the younger sister ...
however the worst torture would be to force them to do housework and eat what they cook on their own
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
Why the random isekai aspect? Seems like the story would work just the same or better without it.
Mar 15, 2018
The folklore at the beginning calls the God, Noyer, older sister, but a line later older brother.
Jun 23, 2019
The mom reminds me of stage moms that are living through their child and ignore their other children. That's really sad. Even though she's been spoiled the mom is doing the younger girl a huge disservice. I hope the younger sister gets a reality check but it's a toss up of the MC's family appears again.

I wonder where the dad is. If his excuse for not stopping the abuse is "I wasn't around enough to notice" that's not good enough.

Agree that the isekai aspect doesn't really adds anything. I think isekai in general is having a bit of a boom and everyone wants to get on the train. But if it doesn't contribute to the story it's better not to add it. If you remove something big from the story and it doesn't make a difference, you don't need it.
Group Leader
Jun 14, 2020
This is cute :3
Pls more 🥰

Oh, and I don’t believe that “memories from my past life” is going to have a huge part on this story, it’s more like a reinforcement so that she don’t want to live like that way anymore..
Dex-chan lover
Dec 18, 2018
I tried finding the original, since it is listed as an adaprarion, and this is the best i could find.


@Suika_Aime : maybe, maybe not.
Jun 11, 2019
I know there is a novel version of this but do someone know the altwrnative novel title of this?
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 8, 2019
I am a fan of isekai but i do think it needs to have a reason to be in the series. Either the whole thing is based around the mc's isekainess or the isekai is needed for the mc to know some skills or get a cheat. If its not needed for the plot then don't add it. The only exception I've seen work is ones where the isekai is used to explain how the mc as a kid figures out the right choice that leads them to the rest of the story and then is barely talked about afterwards if the series but even then it should be important for at least a majority of the first two or three arcs.
Jun 23, 2019

I think at the very least, if the isekai elements aren't going to be a big part of the plot or there's no cheat, it should be used to explain some part of the MC's personality. For instance, in Who Made Me a Princess, it's shown that the MC's relationship with her father is strongly influenced by the fact that she was an orphan in her previous life. Even though it would be easier for her to abandon her father, who is a tyrant, she can't help but cling to their relationship because she remembers what it's like to be an orphan in her previous life.

I, a Commoner, Was Actually Reincarnated seems to imply that the MC decided to leave her house after remembering what it's like to be abused in her previous life...but you don't need isekai for that. The author could have just said that she had had enough of her family and left and I would have believed it. It's a fantasy setting too so a child leaving home wouldn't be shocking to me. But who knows, this is just the start. We could get more isekai elements later.
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 8, 2019
@beatriz89 yeah I agree with you. So far this series doesn't seem to need isekai. It feels more like it was tacked on to get isekai fans to interested in it. But still its only one chapter, perhaps she will get more involved with it later.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 18, 2018
@Aireael @beatriz89 : from looking a the web novel, the isekai is partially the last straw on running away (a child that young is going to be to dependent on her family for resources) but it also explains an ability the MC has, as she dos not show the traits that go with that ability before her memories awaken.
though it is something at runs in her mother's family line, and is not of inherited strength like magic power (magic is inherited and her very weak mother and commoner father should mean 0 magic) , but the ability has a physical trait that is hard to miss, and she does not display it pre-memories (stated outright in both ch 1 and 2), but apparently does after (also stated outright in ch 2), and in the color pages at the start.

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