I Am the Real One - Vol. 1 Ch. 5

Mar 24, 2019
You do realize that now everyone who has a kid has a even a inkling of what to do. And in the setting of this story having children is a duty (if ur nobility) especially for this guy. I'm not trying to say that he's not ANYWHERE near as bad as a lot of the other dads. Also Trasshette FORCED her way through she was bold and most likely didn't care how many times she was rejected she just kept getting back up and pushing forward. She was the exact opposite of Kiera she didn't wait, she didn't hope, and she damn sure as he'll didn't consider if it was what he wanted or not. Kiara's problem was she cared TOO MUCH about his opinion and it stifled not only her personal growth but also the growth of her relationships and understanding of others. So by no means am I saying he was a good father to her but he wasn't terrible and does deserve a second chance if he can pull his head out of his ass long enough to see just how amazing and charming his REAL daughter is.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 18, 2020
ah great another one of those asshole webcomics fathers ! Awesome ! -_-
Sep 2, 2019
No matter how much he treats her better in her next life. Im only hoping that she never truly forgives him. He obviously had suspicions even before Collete came. The fact that he's believing mere maids and someone he's meet for a short period of time is honestly disappointing even if they resemble his other wife. Especially as a duke.
Mar 22, 2019
Finally the torture ends. Another cliche time travel.

But this is the series where you should act like Aria from Reverse the Hourglass tbh, stop being soft. If i were her, i'll do manipulation with smile as well as destroy this entire kingdom and have her father and that bitch executed, then spit on their face. None of them deserves the MC let alone to be forgiven.

Better cares the one who truly cares for you.
Feb 16, 2019
I really don't give a shit whether his failure to parent properly was the result of ignorance or malicious intent, because in the end, Kiara was hurt by him because of his complete lack of interest in her or in anything she does. Childhood neglect can have serious, lifelong negative impact on children and the adults they grow up to be — while that harm is distinct from abuse, it's still harm.

Cosette's whole thing was to make the Duke attached to her despite ~16 years of absence while isolating Kiara. She was delighted to find out that Kiara was already vulnerable to her actions and of course she's going to to push and prod and manipulate her way into his good graces — her goal depended on it and she had no emotional investment in her fake dad that would make her hesitant.

If I can't convince you to my point of view, then so be it. I'm just definitely not going to see yours, because if your argument is that he's not the worst father in the world... Well, I never argued that point. I know he's not a monster, I'm just saying that if we're looking at a scale of shitty fathers, "pretty bad" (emotional neglect) might not be "evil fucking monster" (let's say that this is straight up murdering your child because of abuse), "pretty bad" is still a bad father.

HE DOESN'T DESERVE SHIT. If Kiara chooses to give her father a second chance, that's up to her. I am not one of those commenters who is out here calling for blood or saying that I'll drop the series if her dad gets a redemption arc. But Kiara doesn't owe him SHIT. If anything, he owed HER a childhood where her basic emotional needs weren't ignored.
Sep 7, 2020
on GOD kiara even if your shitty father become nice to you in your second life do not fall for it. make both the fake and the father have miserable life
Double-page supporter
Feb 8, 2018
Yow who's the blonde dude that cast that magic circle?? New chara? Did he orchestrate a time leap?? Am confused
Dex-chan lover
Mar 6, 2019
Oh God, she's going to come back and forgive that asshole isn't she... Sigh here we go again...
Dex-chan lover
May 18, 2018
So.... we completely skipped the original giant leap in logic that lead to her being executed? Okay then...
Dex-chan lover
Aug 31, 2020
Little brother coming to save his sister with a time travel clutch.
Mar 28, 2020
You're right. The only time I felt a little bad for him was when Cossete showed her magic. He was biting his lip and seemed sad, be that as it may, the real victim is his daughter, fuck him, this situation is completely his fault for neglecting the other side of the story, that is not even counting his neglect for her for 18 years and then giving attention to a total stranger.
I would have hoped that that water spirit Beatrice sunk the whole fucking place for killing the nymph.
Not sure of the spirits interfere in the case of their chosen dying though.
Mar 17, 2020
This reminds me of Who made me a princess and lady to queen because of
Cossette ( reminds me of Rosemund) and Kiara (Patricia).
Nov 23, 2018
The art of the mc reminds me of your throne!!!! Sooooo good I love manhwas
May 17, 2019
A perfect girl born into a perfect life without a mother and fatherly love. Then out of nowhere, a blonde villainess comes and takes everything that was hers. Now she is reborn and tries to regain her life back.

Let us enjoy mc getting her perfect life back with some trials :)

Also idk why you guys are already hounding on her father without the full story. It looks like Cosette has the name his true love wanted for their child.
Aug 20, 2020
Sir how long are you gonna disappoint me and the whole kingdom for being stupid. HOLD UP THE PROPHECY DID NO SUCH THING TO MENTION KILLING!
May 2, 2020
This is so difficult to read for some reason, its worse than the other stories i have read so far for some reason

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