I Awoke as an Imprisoned Villainess - Ch. 4

Dex-chan lover
Jul 15, 2020
I know she's a horrid villainess, but so far I'm loving her attitude to the family.
So far she doesn't actually seem to be evil. On the contrary all of her moves seems to be logical, and well planned. But I do love her attitude as well.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 23, 2018
Well now I'm wondering what the villainess' deal is cuz she's clearly got a good head on her shoulders, and with her level of foresight she'd never allow herself to be imprisoned. Let's see how her plans emerge from here on out.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 5, 2023
Isn’t this story just gripping? It’s really intelligently subverting the villainess trope similar to that ghost one does with a more interesting plot. There are hints of foreshadowed developments (the lily smell on the crown prince, the failure of the royal apothecary) which get the mind thinking and excited! Characters here arent just used in isolation but directly impact both stories: the fucking priest who gets introduced IMMEDIATELY becomes relevant, and in a natural and interesting fashion! This ultimately remains a tropey manga, seen in the developing relationship between the swapped apothecary and the guard dude, yet its able to garner real plot growth which other mangas stutter to find. Good chapter!
Double-page supporter
Mar 10, 2019
I love the two-pov format. Both of them are living their best lives, Sophia being able to eat three meals a day, and Violet getting to ruin some lives. I love and support women's rights and wrongs.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 7, 2019
I only read until the last chapter of part 1...and oh boi is there some insane twist.

Since trying to explain the flow of things is a pain, here's a quick run down on some stuffs.

The prince isn't poisoned, he's actually under magic spell that's slowly killing him.
Lily's sweets have medicine used to hide magic power that mages used to use when they were more heavily ostracized.
That's why the royal apothecary couldn't detect any poison in them, it's not poison.

However she's also being used/threatened by the real mastermind: Violet's own uncle.
(her hometown needs support to survive and between some prince vs the people she grew up with, she chose the latter)
And to add on top: The uncle also killed Violet's mother in the same way, as a test of his plan.

His motive is revenge, the previous king (uncle and current king's father) was heavily prejudiced against mages and went so far as to basically assassinate uncle's child and wife.
So now he want the current royal family to suffer as the prince die slowly, then he's got some other plans that will ultimately result in...Violet being queen....yeah he didn't really think that last bit through.

Anyway in the end uncle lose, he will be confined to the same anti-magic tower "Violet" was in (this time the seal will be done by Violet)
Lily 'only' get confined to her hometown for 3 years because while she did commit crime worthy of execution, there's the factor that she was threatened + even poisoned at the last step of the plan AND in that final confrontation she protected the prince (the two did fell in love for real somewhere along the line)
Current king abdicate, and prince personally think uncle was correct that if Violet become queen things would end on a lot less chaotic note. But Violet doesn't want the throne so eh.

Sophia became one of the royal apothecary because Arbuthnot.

The arc ends with Claude trying to confess for real to Sophia, but she's too dense to accept and Violet enjoyed that comedy skit.
Thats actually really interesting and im excited to see how it plays out!
Dex-chan lover
Mar 9, 2019
Villainess? At this point, we as a reader seems to know that is the supposed antagonist is not antagonist. Merely a Chaotic Good or Anti Hero with bad back story.

"Oh, I was treated harshly during childhood and now I inflict pain on others so they won't mess with me but some of what I did is for good cause."

Gives us proper Villainess! Not some half assed evil but good all along. The Villainess tag is just a fucking bait and switch when she is not "villaining".
Dex-chan lover
Mar 12, 2021
This guy acts like he just gave her daughter a small inconvenience as if he didnt buy her the necklace she wanted now shes lashing out as if they didnt imprison her in a sty to profit off her genius and feed her trash
Dex-chan lover
Oct 29, 2018
So... I wonder if Lily is a lotus flower. Makes sense why Violet slapped her like that. She probably realizes Lily somehow poisoned the Prince.

I like how despite being called villainess, Violet is really just a haughty, efficient and talented woman who doesn't bow to anyone. I bet she'll be bosom buddies with Rachel Ferguson, another villainess who got thrown into prispn, although in her case it was willingly cause it was meant to be a vacation for her.

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