There you all go lol. And thanks again to Chase for the raws and for all the help, I was actually able to leave a decent amount of the last half alone and just fix the things that were incorrect which saved me a lot of time. If there are still any issues anyone see please let me know and I'll get it fixed.
Also, for those of you who can't read Japanese the last page is an Ad for volume 2 of the manga. It says it will be out in fall of 2024 and there was a 1 page preview for it.
Edit: I found three missing pages while I was putting this together and checking the raws, so those were added as well. There is also a .5 chapter for this volume I found, but I'm about to go on vacation so it will likely be a bit before I get it out
Edit 2: I finally got those pages swapped, apparently Mangadex didn't accept it the first time. Sorry about the issues, this is what happens when I don't run my pages through a QC